ODPP Chief Statistician Job
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ODPP Chief Statistician Job
Chief Economist/Statistician Job, Kenya Jobs 2021,
For appointment to this grade, an officer must haw: –
- Served in the (trade of Deputy Chief Economist/Stntistician DI’P 4 or in comparable anu relevant position in the Public Service or Private Sector for 1 minimum period of two (2) ycurs;
- Degree in Economics, or Economics and Mathematics, or its equivalent qualification from a recognized institution;
- Master’s degree in Economics or Economics and Mathematics, or it equivalent qualification from a recognized institution;
- Demonstrated outstanding professional competence, matched with proper appreciation of ’he country’s economic development needs at the ualionol, sectorial ami regional levels and the Btr«l.jdM necessary to meet them;
- Demonstrated a high degree of administrative capability coupled with wide experience in economic planning or in the production arid interpretation of statistical duta;
- Demonstrated merit and ability as reflected in work performance and results; and
- Member of a recognised professional body.
NOTE: Possession of a Strategic leadership Development Programme lusting not kws than six(6) weeks from a recognized institution will be an added advantage.
Corr Skills/Compelrncics
In addition to the nl>ove requirements an officer must have the following skills: –
- Research skills
- Leadership skills
- Communication skills
- Orguiihationul skills
- Problem solving skills
- Negotiation skills
- Analytical skills,
- Presentation skills
- CounselliuR skills
Persona] Qualities
In addition to the above requirements an officer must have the following Qualities; –
- Mentoring and Coaching
- Alality to work under pressure
- Creativity and innovativeness
- Results oriented
- Ability to build mid manage I. now
- Exhibit high level professionalism
- Interpersonal skills
- Emotional Intelligence
- Meet the requirement* of Chapter Six of the Constitution of Kenya 2010; Integrity, Leadership, Honesty, Accountability ami Discipline in the service to people.
Duties and Responsibilities
An officer nt this level will head the Planning and Monitoring division and he/she will be responsible directly to the Director of Public Prosecutions professionally and adminlsiralivcly io the Deputy Director of Control Facilitation Services for efficient and effective management of the division. Specifically, duties and responsibilities will entail:-
- Spearhead and oversee development and implementation and review of the overall ODPP strategic plan.
- Coordinate development of departmental strategic plans to ensure activities are appropriately aligned Io the overall mission ol the ODPP.
- Coordinate preparation and implementation of the divisional work plans.
- Oversee development and implementation of divisional budgets to ensure sufficient allocation of resources.
- Guide five annual target setting process leading to performance contract signing and cascading tlie performance contracts in line with relevant statutory guidelines to realize the strategic objectives of the ODPP.
- Coordinate the implementation of the Planning Division strategy, to ensure the division services support enhanced quality of Gie public prosecution services.
- Coordinate the operations of the division, to ensure the operation* arc in line with the strategic direction ol ODPP.
- Provide information and advice on current economic Issues that affoct the OD1T to ensure efficient delivery of prosecution services.
- Coordinate staff appraisal within the division in liaison with Human Riwourec Management division.
- Coordinate development and implementation of performance management system for ODPP.
- Coordinate capacity building programmes Lo ensure the division has competencies required in the delivery of quality service and monitor performance m order to achiev e the objectives of the division.
- Coordinate preparation of the ODPP Annual progress report to Parliament in liaison with the Executive office of the DPP.
- Consolidate unnual and quarterly reports to ensure adherence to policy provisions.
- Plan and execute effective stakeholder management xtralegies for effective collaboration* and linkages.
- Develop mid implement an action plan baaed on corporate risk management framework to ensure business continuity.
- Provide specialist advice and guidance to the management with regards Io quality manugemeni system to maintain high standards.
- Ensure compliance with governance obligations and improve corporate policies and procedure for enhanced outcomes.
- Provide technical guidance and assistance in the preparations of plans, policies and strategies, to ensure all effort is directed at enhancement of public prosecution BCrvicea.
- Consolidate and analyse information on performance and quality management related issues information by compiling reports from departments regions and counties for informed decision making purposes.
- Advise lop monagcmcnl on a day to day basis on planning, performance and strategy matters to ensure compliance with organizational processes and policies.
- Supervise team members to ensure effective utilization of human resources.
- Chair departmental meetings a* scheduled and when need arise* to review progress of the team members in t lie department.
- Communicate feedback upwards and decisions to staff as and when necessary to update key stakeholders.
- Mentor and coach team members to improve on their performance in the attainment of ODP1* objactiv**:
- Monitor and evaluate implementation of policies, programs and projects in the ODPP.
- Participate in the preparation of national development plans and ensure that ODPP interests and operational plans arc in line with the National Development agenda.
How To Apply
Interested and qualified candidates nrc invited to make their applications by completing ONE Mt>t>lii-xti<>n form ODPP i. Tlx- form may I*- .tawntaoded from the ODPPs Wehsne www.odpp.go.ke or picked from Nairobi Headquarters and County Offices.
The candidates should attach COPIES of the following documenta tn tlveir sppUcttian form:
National Identity Ord
Academic and Professional Certificates and Transcripts
Any supporting documents and testimonials
Letter of appointment to their current substantive |»ost
Letter of appointment to their previous past and
Detailed Curriculum Vilac
Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted.
ALL shortlisted candidates shall be required to produce ORIGINALS of their National Identity Card, academic and professional certificate*. Original transcripts and testimonials, letters of appointment to their current substantive post and previous post and detailed curriculum vitae during the interviews.
In addition, uil candidates who are not ODl’P staff shall be requited to attach COPIES of the following valid clearance certificates to the application:
- Law Society of Kenya for lawyer*
- Higher Education Loans Board
Kenya Revenue Authority
Directorate of Criminal Investigation
Ethics and Anti-Corruption Commission
Any other Professional bodies to which the candidate k n member
ALL shortlisted candidates shall be required to produce ORIGINALS of the document* during Interviews.
Completed application form.’ should be aent to:
The Secretary
Advisory hoard
Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions
ODPP Building, Rngntl Rond, Upper Hill
P.O. Box 30701 – 00100
So as to reach the Office of the Director of Public Frosccutionb on or before 17th June, 2021.
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