7 Simple Habits That Will Make You Successful

One of the first rules of success is to have good habits. Do you want to live your life to its fullest? It won’t happen if you just write and rewrite your goals. You have to develop new habits.

Successful people are successful because they developed great habits which helped transformed their lives and made them the best in their area of expertise.

 Asking for assistance

No one succeeds alone. So, make a habit to pay other people to accomplish your goals faster. Do it as often as possible. In exchange, you’ll get their time, skills and services. If you ever tried to build a business or to lose weight or something similar, you probably realized things are harder than you thought.

Sometimes you face obstacles impossible to overcome by yourself. But what if you would’ve had a mentor by your side or someone who could help you solve your problems? If you make it a habit to ask for help, you will get unstuck and move forward faster.

The habit of taking action

You have the potential to make anything of yourself in this world, but if you don’t take action, you’ll just die frustrated. I’m sure you have great ideas, but that doesn’t mean anything. The implementation of your ideas is the key to more success.

Jack Ma never gave up no matter how many times he failed, he kept trying and trying until he finally made a break through.

 Keep learning

Spend at least an hour every day, learning about your industry. You can either pick up a book or listen to webinars and audiobooks.

According to one study, it has been found that people who spend one hour every day in educating themselves are one of the top 5% of professionals in their area of expertise.

Also, reading is linked with enhanced focus, self-discipline, creativity, and patience.

Almost all successful people share this common habit of staying updated with the world and their industry. Bill Gates reads 52 books a year while Warren Buffet reads 300-400 pages every day.

Rising Early

The more time one can devote to being successful, the more likely success will result. Successful people are accustomed to rising early, and that habit appears repeatedly among those who do well in life.


Whether through donating to charity or the sharing of ideas, successful people have a habit of giving. They know the value of sharing and most believe their success should result in something more than the accumulation of wealth for themselves.

Some of the most well-known successful philanthropists include Bill and Melinda Gates, Oprah Winfrey and Mark Zuckerberg.


Successful people know the value of exchanging ideas with others through networking and they know the importance of surrounding themselves with other successful people.

Set Boundaries

We tend to respect people who set boundaries and are willing to say “no” to requests that aren’t aligned with their priorities, but we’re not skilled at doing this ourselves.

Setting boundaries is a habit and could mean to create a calendar every week and sticking to it. It could mean having a conversation with someone about our current focus. Or, it could simply mean saying no.

To make setting boundaries a habit, find one way every week to ensure you protect your time, energy, and attention.

Key takeaways

We tend to think of success as a set of traits or genetic make-up someone else has, but it’s not true—success is about the actions we regularly take that turn into habits.

Start small, keep it simple and things will fall into place.
