No Feedback After The Interview? Here’s Why

You had a great job interview, seemed to connect with your interviewer, and left feeling good about your chances. The employer told you to expect to hear something in a week … but now two weeks have gone by and you’ve heard nothing. Should you reach back out? Is the silence a bad sign? Did you fail the interview?

If there’s one experience nearly every job seeker has, it’s this one. Not getting timely feedback from an employer after an interview can stress you out. I have gone through this and trust me, the uncertainty is absolutely nerve-wracking.

Why don’t employers respond? Here are some possible reasons:

Things Changed

There’s the possibility that the company experienced some major changes and no longer has the budget to hire you. Or, they decided to fill the position with an internal candidate. It’s also possible that the company has frozen hiring or is going through restructuring.

Another thing to keep in mind is that maybe the position doesn’t have to be filled immediately, or some aspect of the job has changed, and management is working out the new specifics of the role.

They’re Still Interviewing

You applied for a job almost immediately after you spotted it online. The thing is, maybe 100 other eager job candidates did, too. One of the big reasons why you get no reply after an interview could be because they’re slowly filtering through other numerous job applications and following up with other applicants they’re interested in interviewing.

Your Salary Expectations Are Too High

If you’ve made it to the point in the interview process when it’s appropriate to discuss salary, be sure your expectations are in line with other salaries for the given role. You may not get a call back if your salary asks are above what the company is willing to pay — even if you’re qualified for the role.

You lacked the required credentials

 If you don’t have the attributes the employer is looking for, you probably won’t be considered for the job. They will find a suitable candidate and move on.

You Didn’t Click

Sure, job candidates should be judged based solely on their qualifications and prior job experience. But that doesn’t always happen. If personalities don’t mesh well during a job interview (or worse, they clash), it can negatively impact your chances of getting hired and likely isn’t a good fit for anybody.

You Didn’t Follow the Instructions

Did the employer ask you for references, and you didn’t follow up appropriately? Were you assigned a test project that missed the deadline or had gaps in it?

Sometimes interviewees miss important instructions, and that’s a sure-fire way to not get a call back from an employer. If you can’t follow the instructions during an interview, why would the employer take a chance on you as a new hire? Make sure you’re reading over every email and that you’re taking notes when you talk to anyone at the company. If you’re unsure of something, follow-up and ask for clarity to make sure you get it right.

What this means for you as a candidate…..

These are just possible reasons, some are out of your control. Don’t despair. If you’re not getting a response after an interview and you’ve followed up and done everything that you can as an interested job candidate, don’t take it too personally. While it’s painful to sit and wonder why you never heard back, just remember—the job that’s truly meant for you could be just around the corner.

Wish you could get assistance with handling your interviews better? Let a professional interview coach walk with you and ensure that you succeed.
