How To Get Your Next Job Through Networking

Are you hesitant to network out of fear of being seen as pushy, annoying, or self-serving? Don’t be. Networking isn’t about using other people or aggressively promoting yourself.

It’s about building relationships and connecting with others: the people you know, and those you’ve never met before. And while it may sound intimidating, it can be rewarding and fun, even if you’re shy.

You’re already networking every day wherever you go without even realizing it. You’re networking when you strike up a conversation with the person next to you in line, introduce yourself to other parents at your child’s school, or meet a friend of a friend. Everyone you meet can help you move your job search forward.

Building relationships is crucial to succeeding in the workplace and while you are searching for your next job. Effective networking can help cultivate quality relationships, which may lead to promotions and interview opportunities. While networking can be rewarding, it requires strategy, motivation, and sometimes courage.

In this video, we discuss why networking is worth your investment of time and effort, and we explore how you can network for your next job.

