Kenyan Woman Running Successful US Brand After Dropping Out of School

Kenyan Woman Running Successful US Brand After Dropping Out of School

Everyone has the ability to dream, but not everyone has the willingness to truly chase their dreams. When people aren’t living their dreams, they often have limited belief systems.

They believe that their current circumstances and/or surroundings are keeping them from achieving the things they want to do in life.

You are never too old, too poor, too young, or too sick to live your dreams. You might not get there the same way as others, but if you start to believe in your dreams and chase them now, you’ll eventually get there.

That has been Elizabeth Nzuki’s life, she was not able to pursue her medical career but eventually found a new passion and turned it into a big brand.  This is her story……..

Founder and CEO of Ada Aziza, a clothing brand that specialises in baptism, christening clothes for children, Elizabeth Nzuki first relocated to the United States as a medical student. However, before completing her education, Nzuki married and had three children, forcing her to forgo her dream of becoming a medic.

Speaking to Newswires, Nzuki stated that her marriage later failed, leaving her in a difficult position as she found it challenging to provide for her children.

She decided to develop and create a children’s fashion brand and, in two weeks, creating a website for Ada Aziza.  When she launched her business, Nzuki did not realise that many would order her products. She, by then, did not have enough tailors to meet her client’s demands.

The CEO flew back to Kenya, where she rented a warehouse and hired her siblings and ten other dressmakers to help her make the dresses she exported to her clients.  Months later, she flew back to the US and continued to grow her business, selling dresses for up to Ksh50,000 each.

Her brand, Ada Aziza, which now creates fully custom clothes, is run by women who believe in creating unique and comfortable designs for children worldwide.

Ada Aziza has since amarsed a huge following on social media, having millions of followers on Instagram and TikTok.  According to Nzuki, her goal is to create a brand that creates designs that turn children’s imagination into a real-life experience.  She further stated that she wanted her story to inspire other entrepreneurs scared of actualising their ideas.

“Children are real-life princes and princesses. Let them feel like royalty with grand designs.” Nzuki stated.

What’s your motive for chasing your dreams?

While there is no guarantee of success, or when you might arrive, you will never know what living your dream feels like unless you put your shoes on and get ready to start chasing them.

If you don’t start a journey, you can’t finish one. Nothing comes easy but if you work hard, set goals and make sacrifices you will eventually achieve those dreams. Rome was not built in a day. Start visualizing what the end of the finish line looks like and manifest the outcome! What is stopping you from achieving your dreams?