Jumia Key Account Manager Job
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Jumia Key Account Manager Job
Key Account Manager (Phones), Current Accounting Jobs In Kenya,
About The Role
- As a Key Account Manager at Jumia, you will be accountable for the most important of Jumia KPIs: growth and profitability. This position is currently one of the positions where Jumia Group is investing the most to grow the pool of talent. We expect the best performers to be the next wave of CCOs, MDs, and Category Directors across the group.
- You will focus on one or several categories, managing C-level end-to-end relationships for our top brands and vendors. From the very essence of commercial, to operations or even co-organization of Jumia’s key commercial events, your scope will provide you will all the levers to drive your categories in the right direction.
- This position justifies a high exposure to Managing Directors, CCOs up to Jumia CEOs
- Building strong links with C-Levels and account managers of our top brands and vendors. You should justify a flawless understanding of the entire ecosystem as well as a tremendous You will be the only one along with the country managing director & CCO to represent Jumia in front of those key accounts.
- Driving the growth by ensuring we have the right products at the right prices ∙ Making sure your accounts are matching key operational KPIs (out of stock and time for having the products ready to ship)
- Ensuring we anticipate sourcing through brand product roadmaps as well as replenishing fast enough missing strategic assortment.
- On-boarding 100% of your account’s products available
- Organizing key commercial events such as Black Friday, Jumia Anniversary, etc. ∙ Building business plan for your category(ies) to ensure we grow them in a structured way. Those BP will be presented to Jumia local CEO & CCO as well as Jumia Group CCO
- Strong commercial skills
- Good analytical skills
- Great capacity to handle high-stakes negotiations.
- Structured and organized.
- Good with tools (excel & PPT, Salesforce.com would be a plus)
- Resistant to stress
- Strong interpersonal skills: Convince the people and your team that you are making the right decisions.
- Great ability to work in a fast-paced and competitive environment.
- Flawless English communication
- Overall, we expect a true leader.
- Experience over 4 years in FMCG, tier 1 retail groups, top banking & consulting companies
- Top Engineering, Business Schools & Universities (top 5 of your field for your country)
- Proficiency in MS Office and Google tools.
- Familiar with relationship management tools
How To Apply
Categories: Accounting Jobs In Kenya
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