International Potato Center Graphic Design and Communication Consultant Job
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International Potato Center Graphic Design and Communication Consultant Job
Graphic Design and Communication Consultant Job, Current Communication Jobs In Kenya,
The Project Coordination Unit (PCU) is responsible for developing and implementing high-level project management methodologies, standards, and tools, including expectations based on the size of initiatives/projects. The Unit monitors project management performance and provides advice and recommendations to improve continuously and build project management capacities across staff and project partners. The advice, guidance, and recommendations provided by the PCU cover all project phases from planning, start-up, implementation, monitoring and reporting, evaluation, and learning, to closeout. The PCU contributes to other initiatives, including project identification and development, with expertise in project management and project-level MELI.
Through the International Potato Centre (CIP) the consultancy will support the Project Coordinating Unit in the drafting, reviewing, editing, and translating of ONE CGIAR Project Management Communication Materials. The Consultant will report to the Global Head of the project Coordination Unit.
Duties and Responsibilities
- Designing communications materials such as presentations, factsheets, data visualization, and infographics
- Re-designing and improving the Project Coordination Unit ONE CGIAR InfoPoint Webpage and Performance and Results (P&R) Hub (Planning Webpage.
- Support PCU staff with graphic design/web design/communications
- Ensure visual consistency across all Project Communication Materials in line with the CGIAR Editorial Policy
- Transforming text-based Project Management communications materials into visual graphic design materials such as infographics, animations, illustrations, and others.
- Liaise with CGIAR Communication and Outreach unit regarding any visual design work to ensure compliance with CGIAR Editorial Policy.
- Edit Project Management documents and Communication materials to ensure that messages are conveyed accurately.
Expected Results and Deliverables
The following key results and deliverables are expected:
- The content of the Project Coordination Unit CGIAR InfoPoint page and Planning page of the Performance and Results (P&R) Hub updated.
- Existing Project Management ONE CGIAR documents updated including development of infographic and visuals where appropriate.
- New Project Management ONE CGIAR documents and reference materials edited and formatted including development of infographics and visuals where appropriate.
- Regular Internal communication messages to ONE CGIAR edited to ensure messages are conveyed accurately.
Conditions and Remuneration:
- This is a national consultancy position limited to Kenyan nationals and permits residents only.
- It is estimated that the above tasks would require up to 10 working days per month and will primarily be home-based.
- Payments will be made in installments against invoices indicating the number of days worked and deliveries achieved and approved by the supervisor.
- Payments will be made on a minimum monthly basis.
- An advanced university degree (Master’s degree or equivalent) in Graphic Design, Web Design, or Communications related areas is required.
- A first-level university degree in combination with four (4) additional years of qualifying experience may be accepted instead of the advanced university degree.
- Knowledge of Adobe Illustration skills is required.
- A minimum of eight (8) years of relevant work experience in the field, professional experience in Graphic Design, Web design, and Communications is required.
- Previous work with International Organizations and experience in Development Communication is desirable.
- A minimum of 4 sample works for services previously performed within the last three (3) years in Graphic Design and Editorial/Communication support must be provided. The sample work should include the client’s name and contact details, a description of the service, location, and duration.
How To Apply
Closing Date: 11/14/2023
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