The Veterinary Medicines Directorate Driver Job
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The Veterinary Medicines Directorate Driver Job
Current Driver Jobs In Kenya,
REF NO: VMD 03/2023
Scale: VMD 9
Basic Salary: Ksh 24,000 X2,000-26,000X2,500-33,500 X3,000-45,500 X3,500-49,000
Terms of Service: Permanent and Pensionable
Duties and responsibilities entail; –
- Ensuring the safe transportation of personnel and/or goods from source to destination as per instructions;
- Detecting and reporting malfunctioning of vehicle systems;
- Maintaining a record of the vehicle’s movement through the “Work Ticket”;
- Monitoring and reporting the vehicle service and insurance schedule;
- Ensuring the cleanliness of the vehicle;
- Reporting incidents and accidents as soon as they occur as per the policy; and
- Ensuring adherence to or observations of traffic laws.
Qualifications and Requirements:
For appointment to this grade, a candidate must have:
- KCSE (Mean grade of D+) or equivalent qualifications;
- Minimum four (4) years active driving experience for the appropriate class of vehicle;
- Has sat and passed the minimum of Occupational Test III for drivers;
- Valid driving license for the appropriate class of vehicle
- Proficiency in computer applications;
- Passed Suitability Test for Driver Grade III:
- First-Aid Certificate Course lasting not less than one (1) week from St. John Ambulance or Kenya Institute of Highway & Building Technology (KIHBT) or any other recognized institution; and
- Fulfill the requirements of Chapter Six (6) of the Constitution.
Competencies and skills
- Interpersonal;
- Courtesy;
- Communication.
How To Apply
Candidates who meet the above criteria are advised to submit a hard or soft application, detailed curriculum vitae, copy of National Identification card, copies of academic and professional certificates, and other testimonials to:
The Chief Executive Officer, Veterinary Medicines Directorate;
or deliver hard copies with the envelope marked Ref: …. to the Veterinary Medicines Directorate Offices, PCPB Plaza, Loresho Ridge Ground Floor; Addressed to:
Veterinary Medicines Directorate
Pest Control Products Board Plaza
P.O. Box 66171-00800
Westlands, Nairobi
NB: All candidates should fill out and submit the attached Biodata request together with the applications.
DEADLINE FOR APPLICATION: Wednesday 6th December, 2023 AT 5.00 P.M.
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