KNEC Accountant Job
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KNEC Accountant Job
Accountant Job, Current Accountant Jobs In Kenya,
Job Specifications
The duties and responsibilities of the officer will entail:
- Reconciling and preparing timely reports on all revenues due and collected;
- Monitoring the fees collection bank accounts;
- Posting receipt journals/vouchers;
- Implementing QMS procedures and work instructions;
- Maintaining bank account details for all contracted professionals;
- Reconciling the system and manual cash books;
- Preparation of the monthly expenditure and quarterly treasury performance reports;
- Preparing tax records and dispatching income tax certificates to customers;
- Filing PAYE, withholding tax, and vat returns;
- Ensuring timely response to all audit queries;
- Maintaining investments register;
- Preparing weekly, monthly quarterly annual revenue reports;
- Collating estimates for fees and non-fees income, and preparing monthly bank reconciliation;
- Maintaining imprest ledger and records, reporting outstanding imprest;
- Timely processing and management of fuel requests for running national examinations cost and project accounting.
Person Specifications
For appointment to this grade, an officer must have:
- Bachelor’s Degree in any of the following disciplines: Finance, Accounts Commerce (Finance Option), Business Administration, Business Management, Economics, or its equivalent from a recognized institution;
- Certified Public Accountant CPA (K) or Association of Certified Chartered Accountants (ACCA);
- Member of ICPAK;
- Demonstrated merit in work performance;
- Proficiency in computer application;
- Fulfill the requirements of Chapter Six of the Constitution for successful applicants.
Key Competencies, Skills, and Attitudes
- Integrity;
- Communication and reporting skills;
- Interpersonal skills;
- Attention to detail;
- Team player
How To Apply
Interested and suitably qualified candidates should fill and submit the Application for Employment Form KNEC 2A – (External applicants) and Application for Employment Form KNEC 2B – (Internal applicants), an application letter, accompanied by certified copies of academic and professional certificates, detailed curriculum vitae giving details of daytime telephone contact, e-mail address, current remuneration (enclose a copy of your latest pay slip), names and valid current contacts of three referees, on or before 21st November 2023 to the address below:
The Chief Executive Officer
Kenya National Examinations Council
New Mitihani House, South C
P.O Box 73598-00200
- The Council will only contact the shortlisted candidates and canvassing will result in automatic disqualification;
- Successful applicants offered employment will be required to submit clearance under Chapter Six (6) of the Constitution of Kenya;
- KNEC Grade 2 and Grade 3 positions are on 5-year contract terms of service and renewal is subject to performance;
- KNEC is an Equal Opportunity Employer and People Living with Disability, and female candidates are encouraged to apply.
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