Kiambu County Government Senior Land Officer Job
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Kiambu County Government Senior Land Officer Job
Senior Land Officer Job, Current County Government Jobs In Kenya,
Duties and responsibilities at this level entail taking charge of complex and administration matters within the Land Administration Division.
Duties and Responsibilities
- Consideration and approval of applications for temporary occupation license;
- Applications for conversation of temporary occupation license to lease in consultation with the relevant authorities;
- Consideration and recommendation of applications for large capital investment projects;
- Charges of user and extension of leases in consultation with the relevant authorities;
- Carrying out inspections of the district land offices to ensure their smooth and effective performance and sanctioning of acceptance letters of allotment,
- Supervision of preparation of titles, surrenders, and endorsement of deeds of variation rectification of titles.
Requirements for Appointment
- Bachelor’s degree in Land Economics, Law, Geography, Economics, Agricultural
- Economics or any other related field from a recognized university;
- Have a thorough knowledge of the Government Land Act Cap.280, Trust Land Act Cap.288, and any other relevant regulations;
- Have a minimum of three (3) years of satisfactory service in the grade of Land Officer in the public or private sector;
- Shown administrative ability and technical competence in handling land administration matters; and
- Satisfies the requirements of Chapter Six of the Constitution of Kenya.
Terms of Service: Permanent & Pensionable
Salary: As set by the Salaries and Remuneration Commission (SRC).
How To Apply
All applicants should submit their application cover letter together with copies of their detailed curriculum vitae with names, addresses, and telephone contacts of three referees. academic and professional certificates, testimonials, national identity cards or passports, and any other supporting documents.
Applications should be addressed to:
County Public Service Board
County Government of Kiambu
P O Box 2362 – 00900
All applications should be hand-delivered in a sealed envelope, clearly marking on top of the envelope the position applied for and dropped in the specific box provided at County Public Service Board offices, Room 103, first floor at Thika Sub-County offices between 8.00 a.m. and 5.00 p.m. on weekdays.
Applications should reach the Board on or before Tuesday 5th December, 2023.
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