Head of Department, Physiotherapy Job M.P. Shah Hospital
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Head of Department, Physiotherapy Job M.P. Shah Hospital
Head of Department, Physiotherapy Job, Current Medical Jobs In Kenya,
Duties & Responsibilities:
- Carry out patient assessment, treatment and stabilization, and other specialized procedures to provide curative physiotherapy or occupational therapy services in line with established protocols and promote patient centricity. In addition, ensuring proper documentation and storage of patient data is in line with the DPA Act 2019.
- Strategy, policy, and process implementation -Oversee the department by providing leadership and direction in the development and implementation of effective pathology and laboratory strategies, policies, and procedures to ensure compliance with the regulatory bodies and ensure sustainable growth of the department.
- Fostering the growth of patient volumes, in line with the annual budgets, through a focused delivery of high-quality care and patient-sensitive rehabilitation and physical medicine services that meet or exceed the expectations of patients.
- Leading the development of new services and initiatives that contribute to the financial sustainability and budget of the hospital.
- Ensuring the development and application of clinical quality management methods within the department, including adherence to JCIA guidelines
- Fostering good relations with physicians and other organizations to stimulate patient referrals to MP Shah hospital-based physicians.
- Staff development and Planning-Provide effective and efficient planning for the department, ensuring effective manpower planning. Will also support learning and development opportunities for the direct reports, as well as undertaking an active role in the research and development initiatives for the hospital.
- Ensuring the productive and cost-effective use of human, material, and capital resources entrusted to the department. This includes a review of departmental coverage as well as supplier and other third-party provider contracts to ensure that costs are controlled.
- Responsibility for safety and Health- monitoring physical and environmental conditions at the section to ensure safety from physical, chemical, and biological hazards. Will ensure the development of policies, procedures, guidelines, and safe professional practice whilst enforcing the same within the team
Qualifications & Requirements
- Minimum of a Master’s degree in Physiotherapy from a recognized institution.
- Bachelor’s degree in Physiotherapy
- Master’s Degree in Business Administration of Healthcare Management is preferable.
- Must have valid membership/registration, and hold a valid practicing license with the Kenya Society of Physiotherapists.
- Should have a minimum of 8 years working experience with 3 years at senior management level in the healthcare sector
- Should also possess/demonstrate the below competencies:
- Leadership, motivation, and change management skills.
- Innovation skills
- Strategic decision making
- Ability to maintain build and maintain strategic partnerships and alliances
- Research and Development
- Proficiency in IT skills: use of Microsoft Word and Excel.
- Excellent communication skills
How To Apply
Interested and qualified candidates in the above position are encouraged to forward their CVs and application letters to recruitment@mpshahhospital.org on or before 19th January 2024.
Categories: Medical Jobs In Kenya
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