Language Development Assistant Job BTL
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Language Development Assistant Job BTL
- The candidate should possess excellent interpersonal and communication skills, strong analytical skills, be proactive, and the ability to work with minimum supervision.
Duties and Responsibilities
- Work closely with the Linguistic Coordinator to develop the respective language.
- Mobilize the community and create awareness about the work of Bible translation and language Development,
- The Language Development Assistant will work closely with the respective church and community leaders and other relevant stakeholders in the language development process.
- Must be a born-again Christian with a good Christian standing.
- A bachelor’s degree in linguistics is preferred, but also a bachelor’s degree in education specializing in English and literature or Kiswahili, or a bachelor’s degree in mathematics or related field will be considered.
- Mastery of the respective language.
- Excellent analytical skills especially in linguistics.
- Good research skills.
- Excellent report writing and computer skills.
- Ability to work well in a team.
How To Apply
Applications with a detailed CV, copies of certificates, and three referees (Professional, Social, and Church), Office and mobile telephone contacts for both applicant and referees be emailed (preferred) or sent to the address below by Sunday, 14th January 2024.
Human Resources Manager
Bible Translation and Literacy,
P.O Box 44456 – 00100
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