Pharmaceutical Technologist Job Africare
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Pharmaceutical Technologist Job Africare
Location: Githurai, Nairobi
Key Responsibilities
- Actualize annual Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) set by the management
- Implement the pharmacy processes outlined in the Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs), guidelines and policy manuals
- Ensure the correct dispensing of Health Products and Technologies (HPT) commodities at the dispensing pharmacy units
- Participate in the medication management committee at the medical center in monitoring and addressing medication errors
- Uphold pharmacovigilance practices at the medical center and manage relevant reports of adverse drug reactions, adverse events following immunization, poor quality HPT, medical device incidents, and medication errors
- Ensure there is adequate HPT in the dispensing pharmacy store through correct quantification, indenting, receipts, and dispensing with no pilferages.
- Ensure continuous inventory stock hygiene practice using the ABC analysis algorithm
- Ensure monthly complete stock audit with proper explanations for stock discrepancies
- Responsible for ensuring proper handover between relevant staff
- Timely Issue daily, weekly, and monthly reports to the Pharmacy In-charge and Center Manager
- Ensure there is proper entry of information in the narcotic drugs register and proper filing of prescriptions on the same
Key Requirements
Minimum Qualifications
- Bachelor or Diploma in Pharmacy/Pharmaceutical Technology
- Registered/Enrolled by the Pharmacy & Poisons Board (PPB)
- Valid practice license
- Member of KPA/PSK
- 1 + years of experience
- Technical skills/Leadership competencies
- Upholds ethics and professionalism
- Excellent communication and collaboration
- Proper Medicine management skills
- Patient-centered care
- Superior customer services
- Demonstrate leadership and organizational competence
- Active Continuous medical education and Staff mentorship and training
How To Apply
Categories: Medical Jobs In Kenya
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