UoN Lecturer, Department of Medical Microbiology & Immunology Job
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UoN Lecturer, Department of Medical Microbiology & Immunology Job
AC/2/39/24 – 1 POST
- An applicant must be a holder of an earned PhD or equivalent degree qualification in the relevant field from a University recognized by University of Nairobi Senate OR a Masters degree qualification (plus a PhD registration) (in special cases).
- He/she must also have a minimum of three (3) years university teaching experience at Lecturer at University level or in research or in of industry experience in a relevant field.
- He/she must have a minimum of eight (8) publication points from peer reviewed journals with; a minimum of minimum of two (2) publications in refereed journals or two (2) scholarly book chapters or two (2) scholarly published teaching modules or two (2) peer reviewed working/occasional/discussion papers.
- The applicant must also show evidence of community service.
- He/she must be registered with a relevant professional body where applicable.
- The successful candidate will be expected to teach, mentor and supervise both undergraduate and postgraduate students and undertake further research in his/her area of specialization.
How To Apply
- Applicants should email their application letters, certified copies of certificates and curriculum vitae (CV) giving details of their qualifications, experience and three (3) referees, as well as indicating their telephone and e-mail contacts.
- Applications and related documents should be addressed to the Director, Human Resource, University of Nairobi
- Applicants should state their current designations, salaries and other benefits attached to those designations.
- The application letter must bear the reference code indicated in the advertisement.
- Late applications will not be considered.
- Applications should be emailed as one file in PDF
CLOSING DATE: FEBRUARY 16, 2024Send your application to recruit-ldepyommai@uonbi.ac.ke
Categories: Teaching Jobs In Kenya
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