PCEA Chogoria Hospital Clinical Psychologist Job
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PCEA Chogoria Hospital Clinical Psychologist Job
- The Successful candidate will be responsible for provision and promotion of Mental Health and well-being, counselling, education and guidance services to clients
Minimum Requirement
- Degree in Counselling and Psychology from a recognized institution
- Registration by relevant regulatory authority/body
- Over three years of experience in Mental Health and wellbeing, counselling and testing, preferably in a Level 5 Hospital setting
- Ability to plan, organize, prioritize and work both collaboratively and independently to meet deadlines.
- Confidentiality and integrity in the profession
- Listening Skills
- Sensitivity and empathy
- Ability to cope with emotional situations.
- Ability to relate with a wide range of people.
How To Apply
Candidates who meet above minimum requirements are requested to submit their applications and enclosing their detailed CV (with 3 referees), certificates, testimonials (including a letter from local Church Minister) so as to reach the Chief Executive Officer by 4 p.m. on Friday 23rd February 2024.
Send your application to hr@pceachogoriahospital.org
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