County Government of Kitui Sub County Administrators Job
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County Government of Kitui Sub County Administrators Job
- Mwingi North Sub County
- Mwingi Central Sub County
- Mwingi West Sub County
- Kitui West Sub County
- Kitui Rural Sub County
- Kitui Central Sub County
- Kitui East Sub County
- Kitui South Sub County
Requirements for Appointment
- Be a Citizen of Kenya;
- Served in the grade of Assistant Director Administration Services/ Deputy Sub County Administrator, for a minimum period of three (3) years or in a comparable and relevant position in the Public Service or Private Sector;
- Served in the grade of Principal Administration Officer/ Principal Ward Administrator for a minimum period of seven (7) years;
- Bachelor’s degree in any of the following disciplines:- Public Administration, Business Administration/Management, Community Development or any other Social Science from a recognized institution;
- iv. Master’s degree in any of the following disciplines:- Public Administration, Business Administration/Management, Community Development or any other Social Science from a recognized institution;
- Diploma in advance Public Administration or equivalent qualification from a recognized institution;
- Certificate in Strategic Leadership Development Programme lasting not less than six (6) weeks or equivalent qualification from a recognized institution;
- Certificate in computer application skills from a recognized institution; and
- Demonstrated managerial, administrative and professional competence in work performance and results.
Duties and Responsibilities
- Ensuring service delivering in the area of jurisdiction;
- Facilitating mobilization and ensuring prudent utilization of resources;
- Facilitating citizen participation in the development of policies, plans and delivery of services in the area of jurisdiction;
- Facilitating intra and inter-governmental relations and conflict resolutions;
- Overseeing safe custody of government assets in the area of jurisdiction;
- Ensuring compliance with legal, statutory and regulatory requirements in the area of jurisdiction;
- Ensuring compliance with national values and principles of good governance;
- Identifying development projects;
- Disseminating information to the public; and
- Providing linkage between the office and the community.
How to Apply
Each application should be accompanied by detailed curriculum vitae, copies of relevant academic and professional certificates, National Identity Card or Passport, testimonials and other relevant supporting documents.
Applications should be submitted in a sealed envelope with the position applied for clearly marked on the left side and either hand delivered to the reception desk at the Kitui CPSB offices on Prisons Road, Kitui Town or posted to the following address:
The Board Secretary,
Kitui County Public Service Board,
P.O. Box 33-90200, Kitui.
Important information to all applicants
- Applications should reach the Secretary, County Public Service Board on or before 14th March, 2024;
- Only shortlisted and successful applicants will be contacted;
- Shortlisted candidates MUST meet the requirements of Chapter Six of the Constitution of Kenya on leadership and integrity and will be required to produce clearance/compliance certificates from the following agencies:
- Ethics and Anti-Corruption Commission
- Higher Education Loans Board
- Kenya Revenue Authority
- Credit Reference Bureau
- Directorate of Criminal Investigation
Shortlisted candidates will be required to produce originals of their National Identity card, birth certificate, academic and professional certificates, transcripts and testimonials during the interviews;
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