PSCK Chief State Counsel Job
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PSCK Chief State Counsel Job
For appointment to this grade, a candidate must:
- Have served for a minimum period of three (3) years in the grade of Deputy Chief State Counsel, CSG 6, or in a comparable and relevant position in the public service;
- Have served for a minimum period of twelve (12) years, three (3) of which should have been at the grade of Principal State Counsel CSG 7 and above, or in a comparable and relevant position in the wider public service or private sector;
- Have a Bachelor of Law Degree (LLB) from a university recognized in Kenya;
- Have a Post Graduate Diploma in law from the Kenya School of Law;
- A post graduate certificate in Legislative Drafting, where applicable
- Admission as an Advocate of the High Court of Kenya;
- Be a member of the Law Society of Kenya;
NOTE: Possession of a Masters Degree in Law or any other relevant Social Science from a university recognized in Kenya will be an added advantage.
Duties and Responsibilities
An officer at this level will be deployed as a head of Section responsible to Deputy Solicitor General for ensuring that the section executes the constitutional, statutory and treaty mandates and functions of the Office of the Attorney General and Department of Justice. Specific duties and responsibilities include:
- Representing the Government in national, foreign and international courts;
- Drafting of legislative proposals;
- Registration of marriages, societies, books and newspapers;
- Administration of estates of deceased persons and trusts;
- Promotion of discipline among advocates and advising the Government on the regulation of the legal profession;
- Advising Ministries, Departments and Agencies on all legal matters relating to the Constitution, international law, human rights, legislation, consumer protection and legal aid;
- Negotiating, drafting, vetting and interpreting local and international documents, agreements and treaties; and
- Coordinating Kenya’s reporting obligations to international human rights and good governance treaty bodies.
How To Apply
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