Refugee Consortium of Kenya MEAL Officer Job
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Refugee Consortium of Kenya MEAL Officer Job
Job Purpose
- The position is responsible for supporting in planning, monitoring, and evaluating projects and the organization’s systems, including the Strategic Plan, to ensure accountability and enhance internal and external learning through timely and accurate quality data generation.
Key Responsibilities
- Develop a consolidated MEAL work plan and MEAL frameworks for all ongoing projects.
- Ensure that MEAL findings are reflected, and their recommendations are incorporated in future concept notes, proposals, and implementation plans.
- Implement the MEAL policies and procedures as described in the organizational MEAL standard guidelines and make sure that the tools are followed as applicable.
- Effective roll-out of MEAL collection and reporting systems to all staff and partners through training, site visits, manuals, and other technical support as needed.
- Develop ToRs and mission plans and carry out assessments, monitoring and evaluations (baselines, mid-terms, end-lines) as reflected in the ToRs and mission plans.
- Develop and oversee the implementation of appropriate data collection and analysis instruments and methodologies. Maintain electronic and/or paper-based Client Management Information System (MIS) for tracking and reporting all quantitative data and information including reporting on the organization’s strategic pillar indicators.
- Maintain electronic and/or paper-based Client Management Information System (MIS) for tracking and reporting all quantitative data and information including reporting on the organization’s strategic pillar indicators.
- Analyze MEAL data and produce reports, factsheets with useful statistical analysis and presentation (charts, tables, histograms, box plots) as necessary in a timely manner.
- Measure and report on qualitative and quantitative input, process, output, outcome, impact, objective, and goal-level performance indicators for all projects.
- Represent the organization in different forums on MEAL related issues when required.
- Contribute to proactive dissemination and use of knowledge gained through MEAL activities among the organizational staff.
- Provide timely information around project successes to be scaled up as well as challenges to allow ‘course correction’ throughout life of the project.
- Capacity build organizational staff, partners and contractors on beneficiary accountability.
- Identify the MEAL training needs of team members and discuss plans with the Programme Manager for internal training.
- Support field compilation of the quarterly and annual donor reports ensuring data and information reported is of high quality.
- Closely collaborate with Field Coordinators and ensure field visits as per need to ensure the quality of the data gathered by the project and to verify the accuracy of the reported data.
- Support to formulation and implementation of internal and external communications and advocacy strategies.
- Preparation and conduct of communications need assessments for the project initiatives.
- Develop internal communication tools and materials for visibility and awareness-raising campaigns, including bulletins, program briefs, press releases, human/impact stories and webinars in coordination with the MEL Lead Manager and senior management.
- Identify and disseminate good practices, lessons, and knowledge, as identified through project implementation, monitoring and evaluation activities.
- Visit project sites and take high-quality photographs and video clips demonstrating project activities, lessons and impact across RCK pillars and sectors.
- Support in organizing special events such as launching, donor engagement/joint monitoring, among other defined types of events.
- Participate in relevant internal and external events and meetings and provide meeting summaries as relevant.
- Perform any other duties assigned.
Qualifications & Experience
- Bachelor’s degree in any of the following fields: Economics, Statistics, Commerce, Business Management/Administration, Project Planning and Management, Social Sciences, Actuarial Science or equivalent qualification from a recognized institution.
- At least two-year experience in planning, monitoring & evaluation especially in relevant or related field.
- Strong attention to detail and commitment to data accuracy and integrity.
- Excellent communication skills, both written and verbal.
- Passion for humanitarian work.
Behavioural Competencies:
- Professionalism: Two-year significant experience in Monitoring, Evaluation, Accountability and Learning. Experience in grant cycles, strong analytical, problem solving and drafting skills is an added advantage.
- Communication: Strong interpersonal and communication (written, spoken and presentational) skills.
- Proficiency in writing proposal and reports in English.
- Technology Awareness: Fully proficient computer skills and ability to use relevant software applications, in particular information databases, internet/intranet services, library sources, etc.
- Teamwork: Ability to establish and maintain effective working relations with people of different national and cultural backgrounds with respect for diversity.
- Managing Performance: Ability to supervise, coach, mentor and develop staff as required.
How To Apply
To submit your application, send a cover letter along with a detailed Curriculum Vitae indicating expected salary, 3 professional referees including your last supervisor and their email contacts. Send your application to-
The Recruitment Committee,
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