The New KCC Is Hiring! Apply Here Today!
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The New KCC Is Hiring! Apply Here Today!
Chief Manager Human Resource and Administration Job, Head of Information Communication Technology Job, Head of Logistics and Inventory Job, Business Application Manager Job, Current New KCC Jobs In Kenya,
See here the latest job opening by the New Kenya Co-operative Creameries Limited and apply today before the deadline.
1. New KCC Chief Manager Human Resource and Administration Job
Providing guidance in the development, interpretation, implementation, and review of human resource management and administration policies, standards, and guidelines.
Bachelors degree in any of the following disciplines: Human Resource Management, Social Science, Business related fields, or equivalent qualifications from a recognised institution.
2. New KCC Head of Information Communication Technology Job
Lead the team in managing authentication, authorization, accounting, collaboration, and communication systems to ensure integrity, confidentiality, and availability.
Bachelor’s Degree in Information Technology, Computer Science, Business IT, Software Engineering, ICT Project Management, Computer Engineering or their equivalent from a recognized institution.
3. New KCC Head of Logistics and Inventory Job (Re-advertised)
Maintaining an inventory of products at all times within the supply chain and ensuring accountability of finished products and crates in the depots
Bachelor’s degree in Procurement and Supply chain management, Bachelor of Commerce in accounting, management, procurement, or equivalent qualification from a recognized institution.
4. New KCC Business Application Manager Job
Liaising with process owners to promote the use of ICT in the effective and efficient design and operation of all major processes to enhance business performance.
Bachelor’s Degree in any of the following: Information Technology, Computer Science, Business IT, Software Engineering, ICT Project Management, Computer Engineering or their equivalent from a recognized Institution.
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