IILA Monitoring and Evaluation Assistant Job
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IILA Monitoring and Evaluation Assistant Job
Position Summary
The Monitoring and Evaluation Assistant will support the Programmes department in effective planning, implementation and reporting of monitoring, evaluation and learning related activities of the organizational programmes and projects. S/He will be responsible for developing programme and project related M&E systems, tracking performance indicators, development of data collection tools, data collection, analysis, and reporting. Additionally, S/He will provide accurate analysis and presentation of information to strengthen documentation of IILA’s outcomes and impact, to enhance the organizational profile and position it as a strong development partner.
Roles And Responsibilities Of The Position
The specific responsibilities of the Monitoring and Evaluation Assistant include, but are not limited to:
- Assist in the development of the organisational Monitoring and Evaluation plan and its effective implementation.
- Assist in developing operational monitoring tools (checklist, questionnaires, databases, interview and survey forms, etc.) as may be required.
- Assist in developing technical concepts, guidelines, manuals, procedures, concept papers on M&E issues upon request of the management team.
- Provide quality assurance through the development and implementation of IILA’s M&E system as well as timely inputs for new initiatives and improvements on M&E issues to management.
- Develop monitoring and impact indicators for programmes and projects, lead their monitoring and evaluation and monitor overall sustainability.
- Facilitate capacity building of staff in M&E and support them with M&E tools and in their use.
- Draft regular M&E reports and contribute to compilation of publications and relevant reports required by IILA, donors and development partners.
- Support programme officers in preparing reports on the findings and lessons learned from project activities and innovations and ensure that lessons learned from the projects are fed back into project implementation.
- Actively participate in project implementation and coordination meetings.
- In liaison with the communications officer, ensure accurate data in the IEC and media outputs, including webpages, digital platforms, press releases, etc., as needed.
- Support the Programme Manager in preparing annual work plans and associated budgets for M&E-related activities.
- Assist in undertaking evidence-generation activities (e.g., desk reviews, analysis, baseline surveys, etc.) as may be required.
Qualifications And Experience
- Bachelor’s degree in monitoring & evaluation / project planning & management/ social sciences or related discipline
- Minimum of 2 years of experience performing similar roles preferably in an NGO setting.
- Practical experience in project management
Competencies And Skills
- A strong commitment to IILA’s objectives and values.
- Proficiency in MS Office, particularly Excel, Word, and PowerPoint
- Demonstrated skills in result-based M&E frameworks, indicators tracking, M&E systems, development of data collection tools, data analysis and report writing.
- Demonstrated excellent writing and analytical skills.
- Excellent verbal and written communication skills; ability to effectively translate and communicate technical concepts and data in a user-friendly manner.
- Strong organizational and time management skills; ability to manage multiple tasks and meet deadlines.
- Demonstrated initiative-taking with the ability to work collaboratively as a member of a team to coordinate and/or lead the efforts to effectively meet M&E needs.
- Relationship-building skills with an ability to prioritize, negotiate, and work with a variety of internal and external stakeholders.
- Ability to identify issues, analyse, and implement effective solutions.
- High integrity and ethical conduct.
- Familiarity with database development, management and statistical analysis will be an added advantage.
Remuneration will be according to the IILA salary scale and policies.
How To Apply
Interested candidates who satisfy the above requirements should immediately forward their application, consisting of a cover letter and CV to the CEO of the International Institute for Legislative Affairs at ilakenyarecruitment@gmail.com. Applications will be considered on a rolling basis.
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