Moi University Deputy Chief Finance Officer Job
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Moi University Deputy Chief Finance Officer Job
Ref. MU/ADM/01/3/2024
Duties and Responsibilities
The Deputy Chief Finance Officer will be responsible for: –
- The organization structure of the accounting and finance unit that facilitate communication, delegation of authority and the scope of responsibility and segregation of duties. implementation of an adequate accounting system as a means of maintaining sound financial records, which must recognize, classify, post, summarize and report transactions.
- Overall operation and supervision of finance function in the system.
- Maintenance of high accounting standards within the department.
- Supervision and development of staff in the section.
- Any other duties assigned from time to time.
Requirements for Direct Appointment
For appointment to this position, a candidate must have:
- Master’s Degree from a recognized Institution, Majoring in Finance, Accounting, Business Administration, or its equivalent.
- CPA (K)
- At least twelve (12) years relevant experience in a Senior position.
- valid registration with ICPAK or any other recognized accounting professional body.
- Certificate in relevant computer applications from recognized institution.
- Certificate in strategic leadership course or its equivalent lasting not less than four weeks from a recognized institution.
- Practical knowledge of Financial Computer packages.
- A Ph.D ina relevant field will be an added advantage
Requirements for Serving Officers
For appointment to this position, an officer must have:
- Master’s Degree from a recognized Institution, Majoring in Finance, Accounting, Business Administration, or its equivalent.
- CPA(K)
- Served in the grade of Senior Accountant Seale 13 for at least three (3) years.
- Valid registration with ICPAK or any other recognized accounting professional body,
- Certificate in relevant computer applications from recognized institution.
- Practical knowledge of Financial Computer packages.
- Consistently demonstrated outstanding qualities of Leadership, Coordination and organization capabilities at top management level.
- Certificate in strategic leadership course or its equivalent lasting not less than four weeks from a recognized institution.
- Shown merit and ability as reflected in work performance and results.
- A PRD in a relevant field will be an added advantage
How To Apply
Applications are invited from suitably qualified candidates for the following positions. Interested applicants should forward ten (10) copies of application package, including updated Curriculum Vitae giving details of the applicant’s age, marital status, academic and professional qualifications, working experience, present post and salary, telephone contact and email address, names and addresses of three (3) referees plus copies of certificates, transcripts, publications and testimonials. The reference number of the position applied for should be clearly indicated on both the application letter and the envelope.
Applications should be addressed to:-
Deputy Vice Chancellor (Administration, Planning & Strategy)
Moi University
P.O. Box 3900-30100
(Deputy Chief Finance Officer)
So as to reach him not later than Friday 29th March, 2024 at 5:00 p.m. Applicants are advised to contact their referees and request them to send their letters of reference to the above address. The referees should write and send their recommendations under sealed envelopes within three (3) weeks from the date of this advertisement. For those in employment, applications should be channeled through their Heads of Departments.
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