Independent Policing Oversight Authority Legal Officer II Job
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Independent Policing Oversight Authority Legal Officer II Job
Job Purpose
Responsible for provision of guidance and legal opinions to the Authority and spearheading representation of the Authority in all legal, civil and criminal court proceedings.
Key Responsibilities/ Duties / Tasks
- Support implementation of policies, strategies, guidelines, plans, standards and procedures pertaining to legal Services in the Authority;
- Represent the Authority in all civil court cases and Alternative Dispute Resolution Mechanisms;
- Institute civil proceedings for enforcement of the Authority’s recommendations;
- Institute civil proceedings for compensation of victims of police misconduct;
- Carry out research on legal issues pertinent to operations of IPOA in collaboration with the division of research;
- Assist in conducting legal assignments and projects as directed;
- Support in preparation and drafting of contracts, leases, Memoranda of understanding formal agreements and other legal instruments;
- Participate in outreach programs to strengthen IPOA’s governance and improve the quality of service delivery by conducting legal aid clinics on constitutional matters in collaboration with department of communications and outreach;
- Assist in conduct of legal audits to ensure legal compliance by the Authority;
- In liaison with department of preventive services assist in conduct of audits of processes and actions of the National Police Service to ensure compliance with applicable legal and human rights standards;
- Evaluate evidence in completed investigations by the Authority submitted in non-complex matters for determination of its sufficiency and recommending appropriate action to the Director of Public Prosecutions;
- Review evidence in completed investigations by the IAU for determinations of its sufficiency for recommending appropriate disciplinary action;
- Prepare Authority’s cases for prosecution;
- Watch brief for the Authority in the prosecution of criminal matters touching on the Authority’s mandate;
- Represent the Authority in criminal court proceedings including public inquests;
- Update records in the division;
- Consolidate data for internal and external reports in the division;
- Implement risks mitigation measures;
- Implement management decisions; and
- Develop and implement individual annual work plan.
Job Dimensions:
Financial Responsibility
- Prepare Work Plans, procurement plans and the Budgets
Responsibility for Physical Assets
- Responsible for Office equipment, furniture and records
Decision Making / Job Influence
- Operational decisions
Working Conditions
- Predominantly in an office setting with occasional field travel.
Job Competencies (Knowledge, Experience and Attributes / Skills).
Academic qualifications
- Post graduate Diploma in legal studies;
- Bachelor’s Degree in Law.
Professional Qualifications / Membership to professional bodies
- Registered as an advocate of the High Court of Kenya;
- Hold a current practicing certificate;
- Member of Law Society of Kenya.
Previous relevant work experience required.
- This is an entry level job
How To Apply
Interested persons who meet the specified criteria are invited to submit their applications through the recruitment portal link:
Alternatively, applications can be submitted via the Post Office, email, or by hand delivery. Applicants who choose the alternative process must clearly indicate the position and job reference number on both the cover letter, envelope, and email applications. Alongside the application, candidates should include IPOA Employment form, a detailed CV, copies of academic certificates, national identity card, names and telephone contacts of three referees, so as to reach the Authority by Tuesday, 2nd April, 2024 to:
Director/Chief Executive Officer,
Independent Policing Oversight Authority,
1st Ngong Avenue, ACK Garden Annex, 2nd Floor,
P.O Box 23035 – 00100, NAIROBI.
For email submissions, please use the following addresses:
For Job grades 3 – 6:
For Job grades 9 – 13:
Detailed job descriptions and specifications for the above positions are available in our website
Upon granting an offer of employment, the successful candidate MUST present and satisfy the requirements of Chapter Six of the Constitution of Kenya 2010 by providing copies of the following documents;
- A valid tax Compliance Certificate from the Kenya Revenue Authority (KRA);
- A valid Certificate of Good Conduct from the Directorate of Criminal Investigation (DCI);
- A valid Clearance Certificate from the Higher Education Loans Board (HELB);
- A valid Clearance Certificate from an approved Credit Reference Bureau (CRB) (Must provide certificate or report); and
- A Valid Clearance form from the Ethics and Anti-Corruption Commission (EACC)
IPOA is an equal opportunity employer and shall not in its recruitment discriminate on the basis of race, religion, colour, ethnic origin, political affiliation, sex or sexual orientation, pregnancy, marital status, disability, health or social status.
Canvassing will lead to automatic disqualification.
IPOA does not engage any recruitment agencies and no medical examination is required before one attends an interview. IPOA does not charge a fee at any stage of the recruitment process (application, shortlisting or interview).
Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted.
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