Tatu City ICT Manager Job
Choose your goal below:
Tatu City ICT Manager Job
- Manage, control, and evaluate ICT systems, ERP’s, infrastructure, and ICT staff.
- Design, develop, implement and coordinate systems, policies and procedures.
- Installation, configuration, and monitoring of IT infrastructure, structured cabling, active IT/Network, and audio-visual and security systems.
- Support end-users and ensure 100% uptime of networks, infrastructure, and systems.
- Responsible for supporting the IT function daily and ensuring that the system and network are always performing at optimum capacity.
- Design, setup, and management of high-level designs for video conferencing platforms, access control, CCTV, and other modern technical security control systems.
- Development and implementation of business continuity strategies to ensure resilience and sustainability of the department’s processes, products, and services
- Ensure all systems are cost-effective, functional, reliable, and secure, with minimal system downtime.
Hard skills and experience:
- Bachelor’s degree in Computer Science/ IT or any other IT-related degree.
- Certified Microsoft and Cisco engineer.
- 10 years relevant experience
- Must have hands-on experience in IT security, PowerShell, MPLS and all video conference systems.
How To Apply
Please submit your updated resume to ICTManagerAdvert@tatucity.com and indicate ‘ICT Manager’ in the subject line by April 10, 2024
Categories: IT Jobs In Kenya
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