NGO Jobs Selected For You To Apply
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NGO Jobs Selected For You To Apply
Finance Assistant, Medical Safety Manager, Community Development Worker, Driver, Financial Controller, Current NGO Jobs For You To Apply
Here is the latest job listing of non governmental jobs. Do you qualify? See now and apply for the vacancies today!
1. Mercy Corps Finance Assistant Job
Responsible for maintaining custody of the office cash fund and make daily payments of approved transactions.
At least one year experience in accounting, bookkeeping or cashiering, including experience with double-entry accounting preferably in an international NGO.
2. Save the Children Medical Safety Manager Job
Demonstrated knowledge of medical safety practices, healthcare regulations, and reporting requirements.
Public Health, Global Health and/or Medical background (Nursing degree preferable)
3. SOS Children’s Village Community Development Worker Job
Holds regular reviews and assessments with all beneficiaries /Target Groups, Support Groups, Community Health Workers and contact persons and identify areas for improvement.
Bachelor’s Degree in Social Sciences, Community development, Child psychology or related disciplines.
4. SOS Children’s Village Driver Job
Conduct trips using the shortest possible route. Avoids unnecessary deviations and multiple trips to minimize mileage and time wastage.
At least 5 years working experience working with projects in Non – Governmental Organizations
5. Code For Africa Finance Controller Job
Assist the preparation and timely issuance of timely and clear budgets, financial forecasts, monthly/quarterly statements, partner/donor financial reports and annual audits.
Bachelors’ degree in accounting, MBA and/or CPA a plus
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