Agripreneurs Job Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock Development

Agripreneurs Job Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock Development

Standard Incubatee

  • A youth Agripreneurs to be recruited as an incubatee into the ENABLE Youth Kenya Program should be one whose business has an annual turn over of less than Kes 500,000
  • The incubatee must be willing and available to be capacity built and/or funded to attain economic viability.
  • The standard Incubatees should be having a running Agribusiness.
  • This category will undergo incubation and training for a period of not exceeding 3 – 6 months.
  • Must be a holder of a certificate/Diploma/Degree from a Recognized Institution.

Accelerated Incubatee

  • A youth Agripreneurs who has been actively running an agribusiness venture with an Annual Turn Over of above Kes.500,000.
  • The incubatee must be willing and available to be capacity built and/or funded to upscale their business.
  • The Accelerator Incubatees business should have been in operation for a period exceeding twelve months
  • This category will undergo incubation and training for a period not exceeding 3 months.
  • Must be a holder of a Certificate/Diploma/Degree from a Recognized Institution.


  • They must be Kenyan Citizen with a National ID, Aged between 18-35 Years
  • Submit relevant Educational Certificates based on incubation category i.e. Standard/Accelerator
  • Shall be required to submit a KRA PIN Certificate and a Certificate from an approved Credit Reference Bureau. On admission, ALL candidates shall be required to meet all integrity requirements.
  • Shall be required to submit a concise one (1) page business proposal on admission , demonstrating.
  • The Innovative and Novel Business Idea
  • Access to business premises, office space and land for production location where applicable.
  • Adaptability of the selected value chain to the project location.
  • Availability of market for the selected product/service within the targeted value chains.
  • Prevailing Risks & Mitigation Strategies
  • Availability of licenses and permits where applicable.
  • The Program is committed to implementing Affirmative Action. In this regard, Persons Living with Disabilities(PLWDs) and those from marginalized groups with requisite qualification are encouraged to apply.
  • Projects in Value Addition, Aggregation, Marketing, Agricultural Services and Distribution will be highly considered.

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How To Apply

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