4 Truths Why You Keep Getting Poorer While Others Laugh To The Bank

4 Truths Why You Keep Getting Poorer While Others Laugh To The Bank

Can you handle the truth?

An eye opening articles shares a list to help show some of the destructive behaviors, mistakes, and ideologies that people fall into that keep them from achieving success.

Have a look at the pitfalls of the poor

1. They Are Unable To Manage Their State

By state I mean your physiological and emotional state. Simply put, this is how you feel in the moment. You can be the most talented person in the world, but if you are in a disempowered emotional state you can’t achieve anything

As destructive as the disempowering states are, achieving an empowering state will give you the mental edge and attitude that you need to be successful.

Here is a list of empowering states for business: certainty, confidence, clarity, courage, conviction, ambition, and passion.

By remaining in these states the majority of the time you will be better equipped to handle the hurdles that you will encounter.

2. They Set Impotent Goals

The reason most people are not successful is not because they set their goals too high and miss them; it’s because they set their goals too low and hit them.

If your goals are low and you keep hitting them then you need to raise your standards and ambitions. You need to have a continuing dedication to going further than those around you. Don’t set your goal for average because average sucks.

On the other hand don’t set your goals so high that they become unrealistic because people abandon unrealistic goals.

Instead, set your goals just above your comfort zone so that they inspire you to continue working toward them.

3. They Have Limiting Beliefs About Life And Money

Poor people believe they are creatures of circumstance. Because of this, life happens to them.

Rich people believe they are creators of circumstance. Because of this, they create opportunities within their lives.

There isn’t any more destructive belief in the world than to think that life happens to you.

Poor people believe money doesn’t matter. Rich people value money and know it matters.

I’m not saying it is the end-all, be-all, but it is a beautiful tool.

Money allows for the freedom to do the things that you want to do. I am not saying that money creates happiness, but a lack of money is a passport to misery

4. They Choose Bad Mentors

You must be careful who you choose as your mentor. People without money are very quick to offer their advice, and the world is full of people who claim to be life coaches, business coaches, or success coaches.

On the flip-side rich people can make for bad mentors too. In the movie Wall Street the character Gordon Gekko says: “Greed is good.” I made the mistake of taking this line to heart. I thought that greed was something from which I could draw motivation.

The truth is that greed is not good. Ambition and passion are good. Greed is destructive. The first thing that happens when you get greedy is that your ethics became compromised. You want to make as much money as you can as fast as you can. And it doesn’t matter who gets hurt along the way.

Be careful with who you pick as your mentor. Don’t pick the guy whose decisions violate your ethics.

Courtesy: Hub Pages

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