Please Help! My Boss’ Nephew Sexually Assaulted Me. Should I Sue?

Please Help! My Boss’ Nephew Sexually Assaulted Me. Should I Sue?

Sexual harassment in the workplace or otherwise is against the law and anyone found guilty of this is liable to imprisonment for a period of not less than 3 years or a fine not less than one hundred thousand or both.

But is bringing up an assault charge as easy as it is mentioned? What if your life and career depended on it, what do you do then?

This Is Sheila’s Story

“Getting a job was difficult for me. After graduation, I waited about 2 years before landing any permanent job so when I got the one I have now, it was all joy and excitement. 5 months into the job and I am faced with a problem that I am not sure how to address. During my 3 months probation, everyone was nice to me and helped out wherever they could.

There was this particular gentleman who would always stop what he was doing to assist me whenever I was stuck and I thought this to be very noble, but this was until it all came down crushing on me. On enquiring about this very nice gentleman, I was made aware that he was a relative to the boss and a favorite one.

A week ago, I was working late in the office to meet the end month deadline. My immediate colleague was not around that day so I had to cover his duties too and I didn’t see anything wrong staying late, after all, I was alone in the entire office. My joy was short lived when the boss’ nephew appeared at the door saying that he had forgotten his keys.

There was nothing wrong with that unlit he started taking about how he had been admiring me ever since I started working there. Being a noble and Christian girl, I told him that it was not possible to pursue anything since he was a colleague.

Hell broke loose and he couldn’t hear of that. He had gone out of his way to help out during my probation and he deserved to be rewarded.

It was then that he closed the door and said I was not going to leave without him having a proper thank you. I tried to reach my phone to dial but he took it away and threw it to the floor as he put his hand over my mouth so I wouldn’t scream. Everything happened so fast. I knew my first stop would be the hospital, but after that I was clueless.

I am now living in fear since I know that if I report the case, I will most probably lose my job and I am afraid starting back to square one. I have only 5 months experience. No one will be hiring me with that little experience. But I now hate being in the office and can’t stand seeing him anymore or the constant complements from the boss about him.

What should I do? Do I sue and risk my job or keep quiet and keep my job? Please help.”

What would you advice Sheila? Please leave your comment below.
