4 OFFICE TYPES Who Will Make Your Life Misery If You Allow Them
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4 OFFICE TYPES Who Will Make Your Life Misery If You Allow Them
Compiled by Dorcas Karuana,
Does This Sound Like You?
Do you love your job but can’t stand your co-workers?
Do you dread seeing John because you know he is going to talk your ear off about his personal problems when you just want to work?
How about Eve who gossips about everyone in the office, do you try to avoid her?
And what about Tom, Dick, and Harry who bully everyone in the office with their insults and childish behavior, do you hate running into them?
If you answered yes to any of the questions, then congratulations, you work in a normal messed up workplace! Unfortunately, it is going to be hard to escape these kind of co-workers unless you work at home, or you are very fortunate to work with like-minded people.
So how do you deal with them? Sometimes you have an option to quit, and that is what talented employees do, because that is what is good for them. However before you quit, here are tips you need to understand to help you survive. Just understand these four types of colleagues; who can make your life a misery is you allow them.
1. The Office Shark (OS)
Every workplace has the kind of person people love to avoid. An office shark (OS) is the kind of workmate who will use both professional and personal information against you. According to blogger Micheal S. Wade of Execupundit.com in his article ‘How to Deal with the Office Shark’ an OS is the kind of workmate who intentionally over-promises and under delivers in the hope that you will be embarrassed. “He shamelessly lies and then lies again in denying his lies. He takes undue credit, avoids all well- earned blame, and dismisses any critics as naïve losers.
Wade recommends avoiding the OS as much as possible, giving him minimal information about your operations, plans and life, and never relying on him for anything important. Also if an OS offers you anything, refuse it and always be courteous but reserved. Warning that the OS favourite technique is to provoke anger so he can play the victim, he advises adopting a reasonable tone when opposing the OS. Finally, don’t expect the Office shark to change.
2. The Office Bitch (OB)
The traits of the OB are similar to those of office shark, but it takes a lot more bile to create the office bitch. The OB may not be scheming and conniving and backstabbing. They usually go about their lives like any other person, but it’s the way they do it that rubs people the wrong way. Unfortunately some of these traits border in the same neighbourhood as aggressiveness and bullying (not to be confused with assertiveness), so you often find that the OB is also the office boss.
To deal with the OB blogger Lucida of Corporate Black Girl (www.corporateblackgirl.com) says the first stop is to make friends with her. “You need to appear to be her friend, don’t over-do it by telling her your deep dark secrets and how much you hate your job, just appear friendly to her, so she doesn’t see you as a threat.
Secondly, document your interactions with her (always send an email), never find yourself alone with her (so she can never say you said something that you didn’t), don’t show her any weakness (she will use it against you), keep it professional and take opportunities that will put you at an advantage above her.
3. The Office Gossip(OG)
A little office gossip is actually good for the workplace. In fact, studies show that it’s how problems get solved. It’s a healthy practice to talk about the things that are getting on of doing a better job and unfortunately, this more often than not, involves people.
However, negative office gossip and the person who regularly disperses it earn a reputation of the Office Gossip (OG). According to Lisa Quast of Forbes.com this kind of gossip is harmful because it can create productivity issues, can make staff lose their trust in each other and increase staff turnover.
To maintain your happiness in the office, avoid the OG at all costs. Also you may tell her to her face that what she is saying is unkind and insensitive.
4. The Office Politician (OP)
Politics is also healthy in a workplace, only if it’s channeled the right way. An OP can use his skills to get his employer to do things that could benefit employees. However, if the goal is to get a promotion, then it could create a problem. Competition is healthy, but some people may employ some rather unsavoury tactics to get ahead.
In short know the good OP and the one who is up to no good. The latter will probably also wear the hats around the office, such as the office gossip, office shark or office bitch or jerk. So open your eyes and decide if you will befriend this one or not.
If you decide to make him your friend, only approach him if you need a favour with certain cause (like lobbying for a new water dispenser)
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