“I am Not a Half Baked Graduate!” Says Angry Job Seeker To Kenyan Employers
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“I am Not a Half Baked Graduate!” Says Angry Job Seeker To Kenyan Employers
This morning we posted a story dubbed “Revealed! Only Half Of Kenyan University Graduates Are Fit For The Job Market,” which is a revelation about how only half of the more than 50,000 students who graduate annually are suitable for employment due to various reasons one of them being the common one- half baked graduates.
But Emmanuel Amogo vehemently disagrees with that theory and this is what he had to say.
“Some of the theories being put forward to dismiss Graduates are not real .Some are based on total bull sh*t by people who have very low levels of schooling .For example when i went out for my internship in the field of IT I was supervised by some one whose level of education was laughable !
The person did not have a degree nor a Diploma ! And thus one may wonder what his level of education was? The guy was some certificate holder who was simply exposed to the work place for a long time and thus had acquired the know how , as per getting things done .Working with such a person was simply hell on earth, for example the person could not even communicate !
The persons communication was non existent ! Many a times he gave half instructions as per tasks to be performed , then when the job was done half half .I ended up being blamed most of the time !
The horror does not stop there , the person used to see me as some kind of a threat , some one who was being groomed to take over his job and thus was very hostile towards me !
Many a times did he engage in character assassination , talking ill of me to other company colleagues , telling stories that were meant to paint me in bad light and make me look like an idiot !
The nonsense did not stop there , he was now a Professor who did not even have a basic degree , saying how people were not well trained and even going as far as calling my former University St Pauls yet I was not from there !
The person engaged in behavior that was meant to make me uncomfortable !
The list of rubbish goes on and on !
However , there are two sides of a story .Employers will tell their side while graduates will never be given a chance to tell their story !
In the world of work , there are very many things that happen and thus people should not blame others for their own problems .The training that people get from University is good and thus all that is needed is to expose some one to a real world environment and they will be able to pick up !
Employers also need to realize that there is a difference between education and skills. Education is what people leave school with , skills are gained in the work place via exposure and getting things done on a day to day basis .Skills are built upon via carrying out tasks and not in the classroom !
The work environment has a lot of issues , people should not rush to call others half baked while they themselves are Professors with certificates !
Graduates need exposure into the work environment to acquire skills , this is done via performing tasks daily and not in the classroom . Employers should provide exposure and not call people half baked !
They have no idea on what people undergo to reach the level of being a graduate !
Do you agree with Emmanuel?
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