10 Things That Scream, “Don’t Hire Me!”

Source: Career Builder

Are you still unemployed even after applying for many jobs and attending numerous interviews? The problem might be you.

Here are 10 red flags to be wary of during your next job hunt:

1: You don’t have any contact information on your CV

What good is an impressive CV if hiring managers have no way to get in touch with its owner? If they can’t find you, they can’t hire you. Always provide a phone number or e-mail address so employers can get in touch with you easily.

2: You have long gaps between jobs on your CV

Extended lapses of unemployment might say to an employer, “Why weren’t you wanted by anyone?” Anytime you have more than a three-month gap of idleness on your CV, be prepared to explain yourself.

3: You aren’t prepared for the interview

There are many ways to be unprepared for an interview: You haven’t researched the company, you don’t have any questions prepared, you didn’t bring a copy of your CV, etc. Plain and simple, do your homework before an interview. The more prepared you are, the more employers will take you seriously.

4: You didn’t provide any references

Employers could infer that you don’t know anyone who has any positive things to say about you — when in fact, you just forgot to provide them with people who can vouch for you.

No references also shows employers that you aren’t prepared for people to call them. Always make sure the hiring manager has at least one person to contact who can speak on your behalf.

5: You only have negative things to say about previous employment

There are hundreds of ways to turn negative things about an old job into positives. Couldn’t get along with your co-workers? “I really need to work in an environment where I feel like I’m part of a team and my last position didn’t allow for that kind of atmosphere.”

6: You’ve held seven different jobs — in the past six months

Too many jobs in too little time tells employers that either you can’t hold a job or you have no loyalty. Pick and choose the jobs you include on your CV or prepare to explain yourself.

7: You give inconsistent answers in your interview

Hiring managers ask you the same question in several different ways. This is mostly to ensure that you’re genuine with your answers and not just telling an employer what he or she wants to hear. Keep your responses sincere throughout the entire process and you should be good to go.

8: You lack flexibility

Most people know what they want in a job as far as benefits, compensation, time-off, etc. Have a bottom line in terms of what you want before you start the hiring process and be willing to bend a bit if necessary.

9: Your application was, in a word — lazy

Only doing the bare minimum of what’s asked of you won’t get very far — in life or in your job search. Applying to jobs with the same CV and the same cover letter (or none at all) is pure laziness.

10: You lack objective or ambition

If you have no long-term goals, then you really have no short-term goals either. Know where you want to go and how you plan to get there. Otherwise you seem unfocused and unmotivated.

Make the next application or interview count.

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