4 Truths To Remember If You Want To Quit Your Job

By Lilian Wamaitha
Very few of us are lucky enough to get jobs that we actually like where we are paid what we are comfortable with. As such, it’s no surprise that people will often leave jobs that they do not like for greener pastures.
If you have a vision for your life and are sure that quitting is the best decision you will ever do for yourself, by all means take the leap of faith.
Most of us fear quitting our jobs because we fear for the days to come. If you were used to getting a certain salary for example, quitting will mean not having money until you find another opportunity.
We are stuck in our current situations because we are afraid of being seen as choosy. I know the current job market is uncertain, but that does not mean sticking to a job you do not love. Here are a few things to remember if you are thinking about quitting;
1. You don’t need anyone’s approval
When you decide to quit your job, not everyone will be supportive. You won’t be getting the “Oh wow, you’re so brave!” “Good for you!”, “Go get them, tiger!” kind of statements.
Instead, what you will be faced with are a lot of, “Wait, you’re doing what?” types of comments.
But in the end, it really doesn’t matter. The only person who needs to feel good about yourself is you.
Yes, we all naturally crave approval and reassurance from others every now and then but trust me; you don’t need it—at least not as much as you think you do.
Quickly See This >>> 4 Things You Should Do Before Quitting Your Job
2. Scary is exciting
There’s a big part of being terrified that makes you want to run and cry—but the other piece is actually somewhat thrilling. In the first few days after leaving it will be overwhelming.
After all, you no longer have a source of income and you will need to find a job if you are to get by. However, that kind of fear should not scare you into staying at a job you don’t like.
Things will finally work out and you will land another job in no time.
As long as you know what you want and go after it, that situation will not be permanent.
3. You never know until you try
You will never know what you are capable of until you push yourself to try it.
Are you currently working that job because you don’t want people to judge you. I have friends who have never gotten jobs and I know if I were to quit, I would not hear the end of it but at the end of the day, it is my decision to make.
Maybe you were meant to do something else but because you are afraid of taking risks, you will never get to discover what you are good at.
I have seen people come back to regret the career paths they choose later on in life. One thing I know is that it will be very hard to start over if you have already built your experience in another field.
4. Your career really doesn’t define you
We all have the tendency to use our careers to define ourselves. But, it’s important to remember that your job isn’t who you are—it’s what you do. Your position definitely adds to your life, but it doesn’t make up the entirety of it.
Turns out, that’s really not the case—all of that pressure to define myself using my career was totally self-imposed.
You could be an accountant or a pet handler and people would not care. What matters is what you love doing.
So, if you’re contemplating about taking that leap of faith anytime soon, I hope these lessons encourage you and help you see the light at the end of the tunnel.
