5 Key Behaviors That Will Make You Unstoppable In Life

5 Key Behaviors That Will Make You Unstoppable In Life

By Lisa Osiako

Purity Ngina was raised by a single mother who was determined to see her get an education. She attended a local primary school and sat her national exam in 2002, scoring 235 marks out of 500. Her performance did not stop her. She decided to re-sit the exam and managed to score 369 marks. In 2007, she sat her KCSE exams and scored a B+.

At home, circumstances were difficult for her, with her mother constantly falling ill. It was a financial strain for her. Her exceptional performance while at campus however ensured that she was still able to stay in school because of a scholarship she received. She graduated with a first class honours and was granted a full scholarship for a master’s degree.

Nothing stopped her from going after what she wanted – not even when she failed her KCPE examinations. Today, she stands as the youngest PhD holder in the country.

Bonfire adventures CEO Simon Kabu knew that he wanted to engage in business – if not fully, as a side hustle. When he completed school, he worked at a food kiosk, selling chapatti and mandazi. Later in campus, he would sell music CDs and rent out music videos.

At some point, he was forced to defer classes for a year when his parents could not afford to pay his fees. This did not stop him from achieving his degree in Economics and Statistics. To pay for his fees, he became a tout.

He later got a job as a sales region manager and it is while here that he and his now wife started the travel and tours company that is widely known today.

In Simon’s own words, success is not a one-time event; it is a journey that calls for dedication and a lot of sacrifices.

Despite numerous setbacks, these individuals remained motivated to achieve success – They are unstoppable.

You too can do it.

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Here’s how:

1. Wake Up Early

Media personality Caroline Mutoko is described as a force to reckon with and an inspiration to many when it comes to achieving personal greatness and coming out of one’s comfort zone. Her desire to be the best and never settle for less makes her wake up every day at 4 am, to prepare for the day.

It is said that those who wake up early tend to be more optimistic and conscientious, anticipate problems and minimize them more efficiently.

Waking up earlier will enable you to plan for your day better and put in place what you want to achieve.

2. Set your goals and write them down

What is your passion, dream or goal? Is it to write a book, run a marathon, start a business or even build a children’s home? Whatever your desire is, once you commit to it, a mental shift happens from thought to action.

Take a moment to imagine and feel what it would be like to have those goals. You will eventually begin to see the world from the perspective of your goals, and not let your current circumstances run your life. Instead, you will take the helm and steer your ship towards your desired destination.

The key to success lies in your commitment to making your goal a priority in life, with sacrifice. If you are truly committed, nothing will stop you from achieving your goal.

Remember, the best way to predict the future is to create it.

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3. Set priorities

What are your priorities? What are the things that matter more than anything to you? What do you believe in? What do you stand for? What do you want for your life?

Your priorities reflect on the goals you set. In essence, your daily behaviours are a mirror – an honest assessment of your priorities in life. They reflect to the world and yourself, what you value and what you aspire towards.

Get your priorities clear and your productivity will increase.

4. Never stop learning

When you want to become the best at what you do, you never stop learning.

Oprah Winfrey is undoubtedly an unstoppable woman. She has spoken of what her motivation to always push on was – a desire to always learn.

“I knew there was a way out. I knew there was another kind of life because I had read about it. I knew there were other places, and there was another way of being.”

Strive to learn something new and use it to transform your life.

5. Don’t be afraid of failure

With every failure, comes a lesson.

When William was laid off on account of being redundant, he immediately started looking for another job. With his great experience and skills, he landed numerous job interview invites. However, every time after attending a job interview, he did not receive feedback, or if he did, it was one of regret.

He realized that he needed to polish on his interview skills and therefore decided to attend an interview coaching session.  Soon after, he attended his 10th interview and passed it!

According to William, the interview training and coaching opened his eyes to unknown mistakes he was making during an interview even though he was experienced.

Like William, you too may have failed several times at a business venture, an exam or even job interviews.

You may have learned from what you’ve done wrong, but there are other things you learned to do well that you wouldn’t have learned if you never tried. Every failure is filled with lessons. Appreciate them.

In Conclusion,

When you’re unstoppable, you will make sure that you get what you want. The power to reach for the stars and beyond lies with you. Trust yourself and you will be unstoppable.