Types of Public Speaking

Public speaking is the art of delivering a message or passing information to an audience in the form of speech.

To have quality public speaking skills, you have to learn how to be confident, precise, and audible.

You, however, have to know the different types of public speaking for you to take the necessary lessons.

4 Types of Public Speaking

1. Ceremonial

Ceremonial is the type of public speaking where a speech is made in celebration of something or someone.

The speaker doing this will give an intimate talk to the people gathered for the celebration. He or she will be addressing the person being celebrated directly while talking to everyone else present.

Let us take a wedding for instance. Someone will give a toast to the bride and groom. The speaker, in this case, is doing ceremonial public speaking.

2. Informative

An informative speech is aimed at teaching an audience something. The speaker’s goal is to pass information that will educate the listeners on a specific matter.

This type of public speech is used by people such as health workers while creating awareness of health hazards.

3. Demonstrative

Just like informative, demonstrative speech is used to teach. The only difference is that, in this case, the speech is backed by actions.

A speaker doing demonstrative public speaking will explain how something works while showing the audience how to do it.

Whenever there is a new gadget in the market, the developers use this type of speech to show the target market how to use it.

4. Persuasive

As the name suggests, a persuasive speech is used to convince an audience to do or believe something.

Pastors and politicians use this type of speech. Here, the speaker delivers information to try and persuade an audience towards a course of action.

Be it votes, raising money, or choosing a political party, a persuasive speech can do it all.

Knowing all these types of public speaking will help you master the art of speech delivery. You will be able to effectively pass the information you intended to and connect with your audience.

To be the best speaker, join a public speaking training immediately. It will work wonders on your skills.