How Can I Overcome My Fear of Public Speaking?

Are you wondering how you can overcome your fear of public speaking? Fear of public speaking is a common form of anxiety.

Some experts have estimated that 77 % of the population suffers from this anxiety. Public speaking anxiety can range from slight nervousness to paralyzing fear and panic.

Many people suffering from this fear avoid public speaking altogether or suffer through it with shaking hands and voices.

The upside is, with preparation and persistence, you can overcome your fear. To help you work on your anxiety, follow these steps.

How to Overcome Fear of Public Speaking

1. Have good knowledge of your topic.

The first step to overcoming your fear of speaking in public is having a deep understanding of your topic.

As long as you understand what you’re talking about and are interested in the subject, you’re less likely to make a mistake or get yourself off track. And even if you are lost, you can recover quickly.

Review questions likely to be asked by your audience to gain more knowledge of your topic.

2. Have good organization.

Carefully plan the information you present, including props, voiceovers, and visual aids, in advance. The more organized you are, the less tension.

Use small card outlines to keep you on track. If possible, go to the lecture hall and check the equipment available before the presentation.

Doing this will help you plan yourself accordingly and help you avoid confusion.

3. Practice makes perfect.

Practice your entire presentation several times. Get some people you are comfortable with, present your speech to them and ask for their opinions.

Practicing with a few not-so-familiar people will also help you get unbiased opinions. Consider making a visual presentation of your speech so that you can watch it and see opportunities for improvement.

4. Challenge specific issues.

When you are afraid of something negative happening, you may overestimate the likelihood of that thing occurring.

List specific concerns you have about your speech delivery skills. Once you have done that, challenge each one of them directly.

As you strive to achieve your goals, write down the probable outcomes of each step you take to prepare you for what will happen.

5. Have a Positive attitude

Being positive about your presentation will help you curb your anxiety. The best way to achieve positivity is by visualizing your presentation’s success.

Imagine your presentation going on well. Positive thoughts will help reduce your social performance and reduce some worries.

Take a little deep breathe slowly before stepping on the stage and during your presentation.

6. Let your focus be on your content.

As you give your public speech presentation, focus on delivering the best content and not what your audience is thinking.

Listeners are more interested in what you say and not who you are. When your audience connects with your message, they will root for you even when you get nervous.

7. Appreciate your Milestones.

Pat yourself on the back for each presentation you finish successfully. Fact is, we all are far more critical of ourselves than other people are of us.

It does not have to be perfect for you to appreciate your efforts. You did your best in this one.

Next time, have faith you will do better.

8. Join a Public Speaking Class

For the best results, sign up for Public Speaking training immediately. A public speaking class will take you through all the steps that will help you overcome your anxiety and how to sharpen your presentation skills.