How Excellent Customer Service Can Increase Your Sales!

How Excellent Customer Service Can Increase Your Sales!

It’s not just a great product, suitable location, or business plan that will increase the number of sales you make, your customer service can also play a crucial role too.

Excellent customer service goes a long way and promotes more sale opportunities because, you’re building a company with a reputation for always wanting to impress its customers.

Multiple studies show that 86% of people will pay more for great customer service.

Let’s say you run a store that sells printed t-shirts online.

A customer emails in to tell you they were very happy with the service they received and they wanted to say thank you for packing the t-shirt well, as it was a gift for a friend.

What will happen next? They will most likely become a loyal client, purchasing items from you quite often. The friend they gifted can also become another potential client.

This example depicts what excellent customer service truly means!

How then does one leverage it to increase sales? Keep reading;

Get feedback from customers

You should have a way of soliciting feedback from your customers. Some businesses request telephone numbers or email addresses to text or email surveys to clients; others ask if they can have a third-party company call to conduct a customer service survey by phone.

Regardless of how you solicit the feedback, the important thing is identifying whether your business is meeting or exceeding your customer’s expectations.

Using the initial example of the online t-shirt store, the client was able to give feedback through an email. As a business owner, you would respond by saying thank you and even creating a segment for testimonials on your web page or social media platforms.

Create referrals through an incentive

When customers gladly do business with your company, it’s a great opportunity to ask for additional business. To make sure that customers refer others your way, consider creating an incentive that makes sure mentioning your company to friends or acquaintances is not just an afterthought.

My friend, Otto runs a laundry service and for the past month, he has been giving his existing clients discounts and free delivery for those that live nearby his shop. This has not only created a positive relationship with the customers but has also attracted other new clients who were told about the offers.

Go the extra mile

Customer service doesn’t have to just come into play when your customer makes a complaint. You should endeavor to offer great customer service all the time.

Suppose you have an online wine store. You have a customer who buys wine from you a lot. Now suppose that you follow this customer on social media and you notice one day that it’s their birthday coming up. It’s a big birthday and they’re excited.

You could send them a bottle of their favorite wine, for free with a nice birthday message.

Gain new and repeat customers

Great customer service is brilliant because people love to talk, both online and offline. If your customers are talking about you, make it your mission to find out about it. Online, you can use tools like Hootsuite and Tweet Deck to keep track of who is talking about you and what they’re saying. This way you can address people’s issues before they have a chance to contact you.

This is effective and can increase sales because it shows that you’re actively looking for ways in which you can help your current and potential customers.


Customer service, when done right is a great way to improve sales for your online store. People aren’t going to be able to buy from you if they don’t know you exist and customer service done right is one way to widen your reach and increase sales.

Looking to grow your business through excellent customer service? Sign up for this practical Customer Service Training to understand the fundamentals of great client service and see your sales increase tremendously!