6 CV Tips to Increase Your Job Search Success

Did you know that employers spend only an average of seven minutes scanning through your CV and having a professional CV  can increase your chances of getting interviews?

I have been in a situation where I applied for job opportunities but I didn’t know what I was doing wrong because my efforts didn’t bear fruits. I was interested in understanding how to write a CV for a job application, how to make it stand out in a competition, and how to attract employers.

A friend opened my eyes that success was not about what I was doing wrong, but what I would do better to be visible. He suggested that I seek CV writing services to give my resume a makeover and land my dream job.

Your CV is often the first impression you’ll make on a potential employer. While a good CV alone may not guarantee you a job interview, a badly written CV is almost certainly going to result in your application being rejected.

In this article, I’ll outline 6 CV tips that can help increase your chances of standing out from the crowd and being successful in your job search.

1. Tailor Your CV to the Role

Avoid sending out the same CV to every job you apply for. Take the time to tailor your CV specifically to the job description.

Highlight the skills, experience, and qualifications that are most relevant to the role you are applying for. Mention the key responsibilities and requirements stated in the job description.

Doing this shows potential employers that you have really thought about how you are suited for this particular position.

2. Use Powerful Action Verbs

When describing your work experience and qualifications, use strong action verbs to make your CV more engaging and persuasive. Verbs like ‘achieved’, ‘implemented’, ‘analyzed’ and ‘exceeded’ demonstrate achievement and impact.

Avoid vague verbs like ‘worked’, ‘assisted’ and ‘participated’. Paint a clear picture of your accomplishments and what you brought to previous roles. Quantify your achievements where possible by including relevant metrics and numbers.

3. Keep it Concise and Scannable

Hiring managers review hundreds of CVs. Make it easy for them to quickly identify how you meet the requirements of the role. Aim for one well-laid-out page and not more than two pages maximum.

Use clear headers, sub-headers, and bullet points to break up blocks of text. Leave adequate white space so the document is visually appealing. The recruiter needs to be able to scan your CV in under 30 seconds and understand your key selling points.

4. Customize Your Career Profile Section

Rather than an objective statement, have a dedicated career profile section near the top of your CV.

Summarize some of your most impressive and quantifiable career highlights that relate to the job you are applying for.

This helps introduce hiring managers to your standout capabilities upfront in a way that immediately captures their attention and makes them want to know more.

5. Focus on Results Over Responsibilities

Listing your job responsibilities alone is not compelling. Hiring managers care more about the concrete results and impacts you delivered in previous roles. Instead of just stating job duties, weave in evidence of your achievements and contributions.

For example, rather than simply listing ‘Managed warehouse operations’, say something like ‘Increased stock accuracy levels from 85% to 95% through implementing new storage and inventory processes as Warehouse Manager.’

By communicating outcomes over mundane tasks, you demonstrate your value and value-add potential.

6. Proofread Thoroughly and Get Feedback

Nothing undermines your professional image more than mistakes like spelling errors on a CV. Always proofread your CV from start to finish and then set it aside for a while before doing a final review.

You can ask 2-3 trusted contacts outside your industry to review it with a critical eye. Fresh sets of eyes are more likely to spot errors or areas for improvement that you may have missed due to being too close to your content.

Minor tweaks made after constructive feedback can be the difference between being considered or rejected for a role.


Remember that a CV is a document that should continuously evolve based on your changing experience levels. Keep refining and elevating the impact of your content over time. Do you want a good CV that will showcase all your skills? Invest In our Professional CV Writing Services today!