What Employers Look for when Filling an Advanced Excel Role

What Employers Look for when Filling an Advanced Excel Role

Have I done enough to position myself for success in  Advanced Excel job search? As someone who has been working in various roles for the past five years, Mark realized he needed to strengthen his Excel skills if he wanted to advance his career.

Mostsenior roles  requires “advanced Excel” competency, but what does that really mean? What exactly are employers lookfor in candidates when filling these types of roles?

He’d been using Excel day-to-day for years, but had he truly mastered it to a professional level? He often asked himself. He started considering taking an Advanced Excel short course to boost his knowledge and resume but was unsure if it would be enough to impress recruiters.

To help answer these questions, he reached out to a career advisory coach who advised him on the skills that employers prioritize when filling advanced Excel roles. Here are the top 7 things he found out;

1. Expert PivotTables and Power Query Skills

About 85% of recruiters look for data analyst or Excel specialist with advanced PivotTable and Power Query skills. These tools allow you to analyze and prepare data like a pro.

Employers want candidates who can leverage PivotTables to summarize large datasets, perform calculations, and create dynamic reports. They also value those experienced with Power Query for tasks like data refreshes, merges, queries from different sources and data transformations.

Mastering these tools sets candidates apart from routine Excel users.

2. Data Visualization Skills

Proficiency in Excel is highly valued by hiring managers, especially when it comes to creating effective data visuals such as charts, conditional formatting, and dashboards.

It is not enough to simply be able to extract raw data; candidates need to have the ability to transform it into clear, visually appealing reports and dashboards that convey insights at a glance.

Candidates who can demonstrate these skills are highly sought after in a wide range of industries, from finance and consulting to marketing and healthcare.

3. Experience with Large & Complex Data Models

While basic Excel users deal with smaller datasets, advanced roles expect competence in managing huge spreadsheets with complex formulas, linked data and functionality.

The ability to handle large, interlinked models is key to recruiters.  Being exposed to real world scenarios of organizing, integrating and manipulating large datasets reassures employers of your capacity for handling mission-critical analytical work.

4. Mastery of Formulas & Functions

Employers today are looking for candidates who possess advanced skills in Excel beyond basic SUMIFS and lookups. They want individuals who are proficient in complex formulas that can be used for tasks such as conditional summing, projections, what-if analysis, and statistical functions.

It is essential to have a deep understanding of formula theory and the ability to apply these skills in practical situations like modeling, forecasting, and solving real business problems. Having these skills not only sets you apart from other candidates but also gives recruiters the confidence that you are the ideal fit for the job.

5. Attention to Detail, Accuracy & Troubleshooting

When it comes to analytical work, even small errors can have significant consequences, which is why recruiters who are evaluating advanced candidates for analytical positions pay close attention to their attention to detail and track record of delivering accurate results.

According to recent surveys, approximately 60% of recruiters consider having an eye for logical consistency, the ability to track down flaws, and proficiency in debugging spreadsheets as crucial qualities in potential candidates.

Therefore, demonstrating these skills and abilities can significantly improve one’s chances of landing a job in the analytical field.

6. Passion for Continuous Learning

While the core Excel skills matter, employers also want individuals committed to staying relevant through ongoing learning. Almost 80% prefer candidates showing passion for Excel through certifications and personal projects beyond work demands.

Merely listing Excel proficiency fails to prove dedication. A short course portfolio gives tangible proof of passion and willingness to expand technical and functional skills over the long run.

To summarize, taking an advanced Excel short course can provide you with targeted training in the top criteria that recruiters consider critical. It not only improves your skills but also equips you with real-world examples that you can showcase on your resume and during interviews, demonstrating your capability and eagerness to use the tool.

So why wait? Is it time to take your skills to the next level? Sign up for the next Advanced Excel class today.