Nairobi City County Public Service Board Principal ICT Officer Job
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Nairobi City County Public Service Board Principal ICT Officer Job
Job Requirement
- A bachelor’s degree in computer science/information technology or any other ICT related discipline from a recognized Institution.
- Served in the Public Service for a minimum period of three (3) years.
- Obtained a Professional Certification in Information Technology or other related disciplines from a recognized certifying body.
- Demonstrated professional ability, initiative, and competence in organizing and directing work.
- Must be between 18-35 years.
Job Description
- Systems development, implementation, and allocation.
- Co-coordinating systems development, implementation, and maintenance.
- Carrying out feasibility studies; preparing progress reports of the systems development.
- Evaluating systems and ensuring adherence to established e-Government Standards.
- Training and preparing staff performance reports; planning, monitoring, and evaluating program/activities within an Information Communication Technology division/Unit.
- Ensuring adherence to Information Communication Technology standards.
- Liaising with user departments to ensure effective maintenance of Information Communication Technology equipment.
- Develop and implement a comprehensive ICT strategy aligned with e-government goals and objectives
- Evaluate emerging technologies and assess their potential for improving government services
- Ensure compliance with data protection regulations and standards
- Foster partnerships to enhance ICT capabilities and address government service needs.
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