Why Am I Getting So Many Job Rejections?
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Why Am I Getting So Many Job Rejections?
Has the job search been one rejection after another, leaving you wondering – what’s wrong? You’re qualified, skilled, and an all-around great candidate – so why do you keep getting a “no” instead of a yes for opportunities you feel you are qualified for?
You’re not alone in your confusion. In fact, over 90% of job applicants will face rejection at least once during their search. But being in the majority isn’t much consolation with each unsuccessful denial.
The question remains – is it something you’re doing wrong? Could it be that your CV isn’t up to par? Or maybe your interview skills need brushing up? Have your qualifications shifted since you last applied for roles and now you’re no longer quite the right fit? Don’t lose hope just yet – rejection is often out of your control as hiring managers sort through piles of applications.
So what are the tips for turning things around, getting your foot in the interview and beating the high odds of job search rejection?
Watch this video, as our experts explore the most common reasons good candidates get rejected and strategies for how to improve.
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