5 Reasons Why Your ‘Perfect’ CV Might Still Raise Eyebrows

5 Reasons Why Your ‘Perfect’ CV Might Still Raise Eyebrows

Explore this thought with me; You have just seen a job opening that you know you are qualified for. At the back of your mind you know you have the perfect CV with skills and experience background that is the perfect fit for that job.

What could even go wrong? In an ideal world, nothing. But you are competing with other competent professionals for the same role which means that the employer will be looking to eliminate a few of you to remain with a manageable number of CVs.

So, before you send in your application, let’s take a quick look at what mistakes your CV may have to ensure that it’s not selling you short.

1. Lack of Customization

While templates create consistency, generic CVs scream a lack of interest. Customize each to the specific role by highlighting qualifications important to that employer.

Research the company to learn their priorities, then structure your content accordingly. Personalize cover letters too by clearly connecting your experience to problems they care about solving.

2. Bland Word Choice

Buzzwords and jargon fill space without conveying real impact or enthusiasm. Bland verbs like “responsible for” in favor of accomplishments like “reduced costs by 25%.”

Vivid active tense puts actions front and center over filler descriptions. Use the employer’s own descriptive terminology where possible. Quantify or qualify performance whenever you can.

3. Boasting Without Evidence

Big claims attract skepticism without proof. Don’t just say “worked effectively in a fast-paced environment”; prove it by citing examples of multitasking or calming crises.

Results with no metrics to substantiate come across as hollow fluff. Back up all statements convincingly through measurable stats, satisfied client feedback or case studies.

4. Layout Confusion

Cluttered or unorthodox templates frustrate exhausted recruiters skimming dozens of docs daily. Ensure sections follow logical flows in a scannable format.

Use consistent formatting like headings, bullets and white space. Highlighting key information in bold makes it pop from the busy page. Optimize for ease of understanding at a single glance.

5. Outdated Content

Keeping content perpetually fresh shows continued initiative and learning. Review and update highlights annually.

Remove experiences exceeding ten years if not directly relevant. High school details no longer impress; focus more on real estate on continuous progress.

Format publication dates clearly to prevent potential mismatches from past roles listed. Always aim to appear as current as possible.


At the end of the day, you may have what you assume is the perfect CV and the right qualifications and still not get the job. A CV is more than just the formatting. A CV is a representation of you before the employer invites you for an interview. Therefore, before you send in your CV for a job, always ensure that it is selling you and not the opposite.

If you are looking for a CV that can sell your candidacy in just 30 seconds and doesn’t raise eyebrows, you can contact a professional CV writer today.