5 Ways To Make The Achievements On Your CV Stand Out
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5 Ways To Make The Achievements On Your CV Stand Out
Your CV is an essential part of your armor when applying for jobs. Most of the times, it is the deciding factor that comes into play in your job search efforts.
Your CV has to be professionally compiled or in the worst case, very well written. Your achievements, too, should stand out as this is what many recruiters use in gauging your suitability for a role.
How then do you ensure that your achievements stand out and ultimately land you the job of your dream?
1. Include evidence
Including relevant skills and keywords on your CV is one thing, but what really makes the difference to a recruiter is evidence.
Evidence, in this case, is therefore proved examples of your relevant achievements. Recruiters love achievements that are supported by hard data.
2. Include facts and figures
You may find it hard to quantify your achievements. However, with a little more thinking, you will find that most of your achievements can be captured in a number.
This could be meeting key performance indicators, reducing the time taken for a task, or even driving sales. Numbers are always in black and white, something recruiters like as it is hard evidence.
With numbers, a recruiter will see you as someone who is ‘results-oriented’ and ‘outcome-focused’.
3. Be active and descriptive
It is important to note that you are not the only one who has applied for the role. Your CV thus needs to be different. It should demonstrate specific instances and examples of achievements that show you performing well in your role.
Tailor your CV in such a way that it demonstrates real-life examples so that the recruiter can visualize and clearly picture the great work you have done.
4. Show the difference you make
By including your achievements on your CV, recruiters will be able to see what difference you have made in your work and make a conclusion on what difference you will make to a new employer.
Achievements give the employer confidence in inviting you to an interview. That is the primary purpose of your CV – to make that decision to invite you to an interview as easily as possible.
5. Accuracy is vital
It’s important to be honest about your achievements. Don’t be tempted to exaggerate as it’s very easy for employers to check on your claims.
False information on a CV is very likely to result in your elimination from the application process or even criminal charges or dismissal if you’ve already been hired. Make sure that you can back up your claims with further details and be prepared to elaborate on them in an interview.
In writing achievements, think of the experiences that you have gained through the workforce that can be classified as achievements. An achievement consists of three components: Using a particular skill, carrying out a particular activity, and getting a measurable/quantifiable result/benefit.
Not sure how to make your achievements stand out? Our CV writing professionals are here to help you do it and get you that much closer to securing your dream job.
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