Kenya School of Law Library Assistant Job
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Kenya School of Law Library Assistant Job
Overall purpose of the job
Reporting to the Principal Librarian, the incumbent will assist in implementation of library and information policies, procedures and processes.
Job specifications (duties)
The duties and responsibilities of the officer will entail: –
- Assisting in undertaking Library and information services assignments in line with the approved Library strategies, policies and procedures for adequacy and effectiveness of the services offered;
- Assisting in safeguarding the Library assets by establishing appropriate means of verifying their existence, ownership and valuation;
- Assisting in stamping and pasting of newly acquired print Library materials;
- Assisting in physical accessioning of print Library material;
- Assisting in organizing and managing periodicals/reference/reprographic services/archives/special collection/rare books section;
- Assisting in offering circulation services to Library users;
- Assisting in stock taking exercise;
- Assisting in organization and shelving of information resources to ensure easy retrieval; and
- Assisting in shifts.
Persons’ specifications
For appointment to this grade, an officer must have: –
- Diploma in Library and Information Science or Computer Science from a recognized Institution;
- Fulfilled the requirements of Chapter six of the Constitution; and
- Proficiency in Computer Applications.
How To Apply
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