Tharaka Nithi County Assembly Chief Accountant Job
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Tharaka Nithi County Assembly Chief Accountant Job
Requirements for Appointment
- Be an employee of Tharaka Nithi County
- A Degree in any of the following disciplines: Accounting, Finance, Business Administration, Commerce or their relevant equivalent qualification from an approved institution
- Passed Part III of Certified Public Accountant (CPA) Examination or its recognized equivalent.
- Relevant working experience of five (5) years in the Accounting, Audit or Financial field
- Registered with the Institute of Certified Public Accountants of Kenya (ICPAK)
- Shown merit and ability as reflected in work performance and results.
Duties and Responsibilities
The officer reports to the Director Accounting Services and will be responsible for assisting the Director Accounting Services in:
- Planning, organizing, coordinating and administration of all accounting activities within the accounting unit;
- Ensuring proper interpretation and implementation of financial regulations and procedures, treasury circulars, letters and instructions;
- Developing supplementary financial regulations and procedures to enhance internal controls established through normal treasury regulations and procedures;
- Provision of quality and timely accounting services in the accounting unit including maintenance of accurate accounting records and preparation of management and statutory financial reports
- Ensuring conformity to the law; participate fully in departmental/ Unit committees’ especially tender, planning, audit, training, etc.;
- Authorizing payments, sign cheques, identify suitable cheques signatories and set limits as appropriate;
- Maintain an inventory on all bank accounts in the accounting unit and their approved signatories including departments and units;
- Ensuring safe custody of government assets and records; attending County Assembly Public Accounts Committee hearings;
- Supervision, training, development and deployment of accounts staff in the Unit; and
- Any other duty that may be assigned by the supervisor from time to time
How To Apply
Note: Applicants must prove they are working with Tharaka Nithi County Government
Each application should be accompanied by some detailed curriculum vitae, copies of relevant academic and professional certificates and transcripts, National Identity Card or Passport, testimonials and other relevant supporting documents.
All applications should be submitted in sealed envelopes clearly marked on the top left side the position applied for so as to reach the undersigned on or before 22nd April, 2024 by 5.00 pm.
Applications should be addressed to:
P.O. BOX 10 – 60406
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