Consultancy for the Translation of Behavior Change Communication (Bcc) Job The Green Belt Movement

Consultancy for the Translation of Behavior Change Communication (Bcc) Job The Green Belt Movement

Location: Nyeri, Laikipia

Specific Objectives Of The Assignment:

  • GBM seeks a qualified consultant to translate behavior change communication (BCC) messages developed under this project into local languages, primarily Kiswahili and Kikuyu. These translations will help increase awareness and promote the adoption of ICS technology in Nyeri 

Specific Objectives:

  • Translate the existing behavior change messages to Kiswahili and Kikuyu.
  • Ensure the messages align with cultural contexts and local dialects to increase market supply and mobilize support for ICS adoption.
  • Recommend suitable communication channels for message dissemination after translation, including mass media, cultural events, and community outreach in each specific area.


  • Consult with GBM teams to review existing reports and clarify the approach.
  • Desk Review: Analyze all relevant documents, including the BCC strategy.
  • Messge Translation: Translate the SBCC messages into Kiswahili and Kikuyu, ensuring cultural relevance.
  • Design of Translated Messages: Work with existing project materials, GBM branding, logos, and Information, education and communication (IEC) materials to produce the final messages.

Scope Of Work

  • Under the direct supervision of the Communications & Advocacy Officer, the consultant in line with principles of the TOR will:
  • Research to better understand the audience and the behaviors the project aims to address.
  • Identify a variety of dissemination methods to share BCC translation messages including cultural events, and mass media (electronic media, radio, social media) among others.
  • Develop and contextualize key messages for mass media campaigns in Kiswahili and Kikuyu, which will undergo a review by GBM to ensure they are appropriate (including for younger ages/youth and low literacy levels) and are gender transformative.

Key Deliverables

  • Conduct participatory design workshops in Laikipia and Nyeri with stakeholders.
  • Translation of BCC messages into Kiswahili and Kikuyu.
  • Recommendations for effective communication channels and dissemination methods.
  • A presentation of translated messages to GBM teams for review and feedback.
  • Design artworks of the translated messages using the existing formats.
  • Submit a comprehensive final report of the entire activity.

Responsibility Of GBM

  • Provide necessary information, briefings, and materials.
  • Offer orientation on GBM’s branding guidelines and policies.
  • Assist in coordinating local partners for field visits and meetings.
  • Review and provide feedback on all deliverables.
  • Organize a session for the presentation of translated BCC messages

Mandatory Tender Instructions: –

  • Interested consultant(s) and/or agencies should provide the following information:
  • Attach a company profile for firms and for individuals, attach a letter of intent expressing the consultant’s capabilities and qualifications.
  • Consultant or agency profile outlining areas of expertise.
  • Evidence of meeting statutory documentation including KRA PIN, Tax compliance certificates,
  • Registration documents for firms and valid trade licenses (where applicable).(Attach a copy of Certificate of Incorporation or Registration)
  • Submission of similar experience in the area, including a sample of previous SBCC work done, Names and CVs of the team who will be the lead and associated with the assignment and how the assignment will be managed.
  • A proposed timeline indicating activities/sub-activities to be undertaken and the corresponding outputs,
  • A detailed financial proposal which must include Consultancy fees, logistic costs and fieldrelated costs and any applicable taxes. The Consultant will be liable for their own logistics.
  • Acknowledgement of acceptance to payment schedule.

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How To Apply

The proposal should be addressed to:
The Procurement Committee,
The Green Belt Movement,
Adams Arcade, Kilimani Road, Off Elgeyo Marakwet Road Nairobi, Kenya
If the envelopes and packages with the Proposal are not sealed and marked as required, the Client will assume no responsibility for the misplacement, loss, or premature opening of the Proposal.
Your proposal must be received at the above address by 1 st November 2024 by 15:00 hours Eat Africa Time.