Cooperative Auditor – 2 Posts Job County Government of Nandi
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Cooperative Auditor – 2 Posts Job County Government of Nandi
Duties and responsibilities at this level will entail:
- Inspecting the compliance of the cooperative societies to the cooperative act and their financial statements;
- Examining Vouchers and cashbooks, Ledgers confirming the propriety and accuracy of the transactions;
- Carrying out Audit Inspections of societies records and prepare annual Audit reports;
- Collecting data on periodical financial returns, estimates of income and expenditure;
- Computation of financial and statistical records based on routine or special sources of information and,
- Any other duties that may be assigned by the supervisor.
Requirements for Appointment
- Bachelor’s Degree in any of the following disciplines: Commerce Business Management or Business Administration with a bias in Accounting/Finance from recognized institutions;
- Certified Public Accountants (CPA) Kenya Part II or Certified Internal Auditors (CIA)Part II from recognized institution;
- Must be registered with IAA
- Shown merit and ability in work performance and results in a cooperative setup
- Certified Public Accountants (CPA K) Kenya Part III or Certified Internal Auditors (CIA)Part IV from recognized institution;
- Must be a member of ICPAK;
- Certificate in computer applications from a recognized institution.
- Must be registered with IAA
- Shown merit and ability in work performance and results in a cooperative setup
Read>>>>>Important Questions Your CV Must Answer
How To Apply
Interested persons who meet the above minimum criteria are requested to submit hardcopy applications enclosing a curriculum vitae (CV) and copies of relevant academic and professional certificates. The CV must at the minimum provide details of current employer, contacts of three (3) referees familiar with the applicant’s professional and work record.
Applications to be hand delivered to the following address: –
The Secretary/Chief Executive Officer,
Nandi County Public Service Board,
P.O Box 802 – 30300,
Applications must be received by 5.00 pm on 13th November 2024.
Important Notice to Applicants
Any form of Canvassing will result in automatic disqualification. Please note that only shortlisted candidates will be contacted, and official communication will be made through the Nandi County Public Service Board’s mobile number: 0781 848494.
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