How to Use Keywords and Phrases in Your CV to Get Noticed

How to Use Keywords and Phrases in Your CV to Get Noticed

As a job seeker, standing out from the hundreds of other applicants is challenging, especially in the modern recruitment process The recruiters sift through many applications, and having a well-written CV enhances your chances of being noticed.  

One effective tactic is carefully incorporating targeted keywords and phrases throughout your CV to ensure that it passes through the systems.

When applying for jobs online through company websites or job boards, your CV will likely be passed through applicant tracking systems (ATS) that use keyword matching to filter candidates.

These systems are looking for resumes that align closely with the responsibilities and qualifications listed in the job description.

To increase your chances of making it past the initial screen, it is important to use relevant keywords.

Here are five specific ways to do it:

1. Optimize Your Career Profile

The career summary at the top of your CV sets the pace for the rest of the document by highlighting who you are as a professional, the skills that make you the right candidate, and the value you will bring to the table. u

Ensure that it is 2 to 3 concise lines to capture the attention of the employers from the start. For example, if they ask for experience in “Search Engine Optimization,” your summary could start with “Digital marketer with 5+ years expertise in Search Engine Optimization…”.

2. Highlight Accomplishments in Experience Descriptions

Beyond listing responsibilities, discussing measurable achievements and impacts in your work history is always important. Quantify results whenever possible and frame them in industry terms the employer understands.

Highlight how your skills helped you contribute in the past roles and how they will help you bring an impact if offered a job. e

. For example, “Led project team researching new marketing channels, resulting in a 15% increase in qualified leads through optimization of paid search campaigns.”

3. Makes Use of the Skills Section

The industry language used in the job description needs to be reflected in your career history and the skills that the employer is looking for, create a connection, and not necessarily copy-pasting. Make sure to include them naturally; avoid keyword stuffing and stringing words together without context.

As a visible, skills-focused addition, include a bullet-pointed “Keywords” listing 8-10 of your strongest qualifications. This makes a clear, skim-friendly reference of your specialized expertise for ATS. Customize that based on each job role to highlight different competencies.

4. Optimize Your Education Details

Specify any academic qualifications, or professional courses exactly matching their requirements. Mention degrees, majors, minors – anything boosting related keyword visibility.

For example, “Bachelor of Science in Computer Science, with emphasis on web development and cloud technologies.”. If you have relevant certifications, be sure to state the names explicitly.

5. Sprinkle Strategic Phrases Throughout

The first step is to perform a thorough keyword analysis of the job posting. Incorporate 2-3 word phrases and distribute them to all applicable sections. Spread these keywords throughout without sounding repetitive by using synonyms because carried usage boosts visibility across all scanning methods – human and digital.

Avoid limiting yourself to just one-off words – also look for commonly used phrases and subsets. For example, if they ask for experience with “Adobe Creative Suite,” include that exact multi-word phrase rather than just listing “Adobe” alone.


Finally, It is crucial to have professional formatting and a clear, skimmable layout to engage human readers beyond just ATS. Use consistent bold, italics, or all-caps headings to break up sections.

Keep every part concise with powerful wording and visually appealing white space. Customize your CV template and style to match the company brand as much as possible within ethical parameters.

With practice and persistence, keyword optimizing your CV can dramatically boost your chances of getting initial consideration, landing more interviews, and ultimately securing your dream job. Seeking professional CV writing services may help you make all the difference between your application being noticed or lost in the pile, as your resume will be reviewed naturally from a hiring perspective.