5 CV Mistakes You Must Avoid

Did you know that a small mistake in your CV can put off the employers hence reducing your chances of going to the next stage in the recruitment process?

When crafting your CV, you want to make sure you’re presenting yourself in the best possible way to recruiters. After all, your CV is often the first thing they see, and it needs to showcase your skills and experience in a way that makes you stand out from other applicants.

However, it’s surprisingly easy to include something on your resume that could negatively impact your chances of being invited for an interview. Here are five common CV mistakes that you’ll want to avoid:

1. Incorrect Contact Information

Having invalid or outdated contact information is a critical error that can put off employers immediately when they receive your document. According to a survey, nearly 1 in 5 hiring managers have decided not to interview a candidate because their contact information like phone number or email address was incorrect or missing.

Be sure to diligently check that all your contact details like name, address, phone number, and email are up to date before submitting your CV. Recruiters want to be able to easily reach you if they have follow-up questions or want to schedule an interview.

2. Too Much Personal Information

While a brief personal profile can help hiring managers get a sense of who you are, you don’t want to include irrelevant personal details that could turn off readers.

Including information like your age, marital status, health conditions, or religious beliefs could be perceived as inappropriate by recruiters and negatively impact your chances.

Focus on highlighting your relevant qualifications, experience, and career goals rather than sharing too much personal detail.

3. Poor Formatting and Layout

An unorganized or difficult-to-read CV will make you lose points fast. Researchers have found that nearly 80% of recruiters said an applicant’s CV needed to be well-designed for their resume to stand out.

Consider using a simple, easy-to-scan layout with clear section headings in a standardized font. Pay attention to consistent formatting of dates, bullet points, headers, and margins.

Poor formatting tends to take the recruiter’s time and makes a negative first impression.

4. Typos and Grammatical Errors

Proofread your resume thoroughly! Small typos, spelling mistakes, and grammatical errors create a perception that you are not keen and can seriously damage your credibility.

Ask your colleagues or invest in a professional CV writing service to get experts to proofread as well as to catch anything you may have missed. Employers expect candidates to pay attention to detail, so spending time perfectly polishing your CV is worth the effort and it demonstrates your organizational skills.

5. Overuse of Jargon

While illustrating your skills is important, exaggerating responsibilities and accomplishments or using niche industry jargon that the average recruiter may not understand can backfire.

Focus on factual accomplishments using clear, universally understood language tailored for non-technical readers rather than buzzwords. Providing concrete examples and metrics of your impact demonstrates your value better than just listing responsibilities.


Lastly, as you send out your CV, check out for these mistakes and focus on highlighting your relevant qualifications and value to potential employers in a clear, well-organized manner free of errors.

Taking the time to carefully proofread and revise your professional history is an important investment that can help get your application in the “yes” pile rather than the reject stack. Consider seeking our professional CV writing services today to avoid these resume mistakes and you’ll make a great first impression to boost your chances of getting interviews and ultimately your dream job