Mission for Essential Drugs and Supplies Has Vacancies!
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Mission for Essential Drugs and Supplies Has Vacancies!
Client Relations Assistant Job, Internal Audit Assistant Job, Internal Audit Officer Job, Human Resources Assistant Job, Current MEDS Jobs In Kenya,
Are you looking for an accounting, Customer Service or Human Resource Job? Look no further! MEDS has vacancies for you! Apply!
1. Client Relations Assistant Job MEDS
Receive and direct clients/visitors to various service points
Diploma in Pharmacy or Nursing or Laboratory Technology or in a similar field
2. Internal Audit Assistant Job MEDS
Provide significant assistance and support to the internal audit function in reviewing the organization’s internal controls and procedures.
CPA (K), Business degree is an added advantage.
3. Internal Audit Officer Job MEDS
Preparing audit reports on findings and observations made from audits conducted for review by the Internal Audit Manager.
Bachelor’s degree in accounting, finance, or any related business degree from a recognized institution.
4. Human Resources Assistant Job MEDS
Support internal and external HR-related inquiries or requests.
Higher Diploma in Human Resources Management. Bachelor’s degree in Human Resources or equivalent is an added advantage.
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