4 Important Job Interview Tips No One Tells You About
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4 Important Job Interview Tips No One Tells You About
Passing interviews is every professional’s dream every time they are called in for one. Making the recruiters find you that you are the right candidate is usually the goal.
It is possible to have different employers giving you job offers because of how well you present yourself during an interview. It is also possible for you to spoil your chances solely on the impression you give the interviewers. The secret lies in how you handle your job interviews.
Have a look at some of the best interview tips no one ever tells you about!
1. Interviewers don’t take one-word answers lightly
When you sit in the interview room, you can expect to be asked many questions. Giving a one-word answer like ‘yes/no’ might come across as being offensive to an employer.
It might also send a message to the employer that you are either shy or not interested in the job.
Example: When an interviewer asks you if you gained any skills in your previous job, avoid giving ‘yes’ as the only answer.
Go on to expound on what skills those are, and how they contributed to your growth and performance. The more information you give, the better you become!
2. The first 5 minutes and the last 5 are the most crucial
It is often said that first impressions are everything! Indeed, they are. Walk into the interview with a smile. You might find that the employer is in a bad mood, and your smile will light them up and make them forget what’s bothering them.
Be confident, dress well, and be light-hearted when you walk into an interview.
The last 5 minutes apply the same concept. Shake hands with the interviewer, ask them for their business card, smile, and sum up the interview on a high note by thanking them for their time.
Treat your interviewer as a new friend you have made. Leave them wishing they had interviewed you for a longer amount of time.
3. Believe that you are the best candidate for the Interview
Confidence and having a high self-esteem are key. It doesn’t matter how many people you are competing with for a job. Don’t fear competition.
Having the mindset of a winner is all you need. If the interviewer invited you for an interview, it’s a very clear sign that you are close to the finish line. You are a great potential candidate for the job.
You now have to prove yourself in the interview. You do not prove to the employer why you are better than the other candidates. You prove to the employer why you are qualified for the job.
4. Your personality is more important than your papers!
In an interview, you will find that some of the people who end up getting jobs are people who didn’t have all the papers needed. Sometimes, your personality is the best CV you can ever show to the employer.
Are you a positive person? Do you give good responses to the questions asked? Are you promising the employer to give your best once you are given the job?
Impressing the employer with your personality and your overall presence during the interview will give you an edge over someone who has the right papers but has a very dull personality.
Having a great personality that is welcoming and sociable is all you need, alongside your papers.
If your interviews have been unsuccessful, the above tips can prepare you to be on your way to landing that job you really want in 2024!
Experiencing challenges in your interviews? Speak with an Interview Coach today to gain the confidence to ace your interviews.
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