The Kenya Medical Training College Is Hiring!

Accountant Job, Office Administrator Job, Receptionist II Job, Administrative Assistant II Job, Human Resource Management Officer Job, Current KMTC Jobs In Kenya,

Here is the listing of jobs at the Kenya Medical Training College (KMTC). Do you qualify? See now and apply for the jobs!

1. KMTC Accountant Job

Bachelor’s Degree in Commerce (Accounting or Finance option), Business Administration (Accounting option) from a recognized institution; 

Part II of the Certified Public Accountants Examination or its equivalent qualification from a recognized institution. 

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2. KMTC Office Administrator Job

Taking oral dictation; word and data processing; managing e-office; operating office equipment; handling telephone calls and appointments; maintaining office diary and travel itineraries; managing office protocol;

Bachelor’s Degree in Secretarial Studies or Bachelor of Business and Office Management from a recognized institution; 

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3. KMTC Receptionist II Job

Manning the Reception/Customer Care desk; in charge of customer service to walk in and online customers, communicating courteously with customers via social media, telephone, email, letter and face to face; directing customers to online resources;

Diploma in any of the following disciplines: Public Relations, International Relations and Diplomacy, Corporate Communications, Digital Communications, Front Office/ Customer Service or equivalent qualification from a recognized institution;

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4. KMTC Administrative Assistant II Job

Assisting in maintenance of buildings and equipment; supervision of security activities; ensuring general cleanliness;

 A Diploma in Administration/Business Management or its equivalent qualification from a recognized institution;

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5. KMTC Human Resource Management Officer Job

Coordinating human resource management activities, which include, recruitment, deployment, training and development of staff, discipline, salary administration, Industrial Relations and staff welfare. The officer will also supervise staff working under him/her.

Bachelor’s Degree in any of the following fields:, Public/ Business Administration, Human Resource/ Human Resource Management or any other relevant qualification from a recognized institution. 

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